Man clings to trunk, video goes viral. Like a scene from a Tom Cruise movie, a man clings on the trunk of a car driving along a North Carolina freeway. The scene gets even crazier as the man breaks the windshield with his bare hands to get in the vehicle. Brenda Cruz and her son Samuel who were also on the freeway filmed the strange and scary incident. Police have not been able to find the driver and the daredevil who are said to be spouses.
Brenda Cruz will never forget what she witnessed last Saturday while driving on I-77 before exit 7 – a man in his thirties with dreads clinging to dear life on the trunk of a white Sedan that was moving at about 50 mph.
The North Carolina woman spoke to several media outlets where she explained that when she saw the man on the trunk, she told her son Samuel who was on the passenger seat that it had to be a hoax or it was not a human but a doll/dummy tied to the vehicle.
But as they were filming the bizarre scene with their phones, Samuel and Brenda were quick to realize that there was human on the car, because he was using his fist to break the windshield.
The individual did manage to smash the glass and get inside to car. Cruz said that she became very scared for the female driver of the Sedan and the young child on the back seat.
She was also fearful that an accident could have occurred on the busy road.
The Cruz family and countless other people called North Carolinian authorities to report the weird incident.
Despite having numerous video footages and witnesses of the event, police were unable to arrest the stuntman and the driver.
It is believed that the driver and the man clinging on the trunk are husband and wife, and a bitter fight between the pair lead to this shocking moment on the highway.