Lynelle Cantwell strikes back after being named the ugliest girl in her school. Via Facebook, Cantwell shared a lengthy post about self-worth and self-acceptance while telling the person, who created the poll that she feels sorry for her.
Lynelle Cantwell strikes back at the cyber bully, who created a poll to name her one of the ugliest girls at her high school. Cantwell is just a normal teenager, who loves reptiles, hanging out with friends, going to the beach, and enjoys school dances.
She also cares for her fellow humans because she was very active on social media asking others to remember the victims of the horrible Paris attacks and she works for a charity, The Gathering Place, which helps homeless people. However, this week, Cantwell became an overnight celebrity because of an evil prank.
A person launched a poll that named the Canadian teenager the “ugliest girl in year 12” at Holy Trinity High School. The high school student did not cry. Instead, she decided to hit back at the person, who came up with the anonymous online poll.
Miss Cantwell, from Newfoundland and Labrador, told the individual that she is aware that she is not a supermodel, and is certainly not the “ugliest girl” in the grade because she has a heart, a sense of humor, and she is accepting of others. The die-hard Justin Bieber fan wrote:
“To the person that made the ‘ugliest girls in grade 12 at hth (Holy Trinity High)’ ask.FM straw poll. I’m sorry that your life is so miserable that you have to try to bring others down. I know that I’m not the prettiest thing to look at. I know I have a double chin and I fit in XL clothes. I know I don’t have the perfect smile or the perfect face. But I’m sorry for you. Not myself.”
Cantwell went on to tell her tormentor that real beauty lives inside. She concluded by:
“I’m sorry that you’ll never get the chance to know the kind of person I am. I may not look okay on the outside. But I’m funny, nice, kind, down to earth, not judgmental, accepting, helpful, and I’m super easy to talk to. Just because we don’t look perfect on the outside does not mean we are ugly. If that’s your idea of ugly then I feel sorry for you.”
The post has gone viral with thousands of likes and comments from people all over the planet. She has been interviewed by countless media outlets and companies are flooding her with gifts. Andrew Hickey, the principal of Holy Trinity High School, issued a statement saying that they will address the incident. He stated:
“As a school staff we have addressed this matter with the student population and provided information to parents and guardians.”
This evening, Miss Cantwell returned to Facebook to thank all of her supporters. She shared:
“I want everyone to know i appreciate all of the gifts and the attention i have received. However, what we are fighting for is to give everyone a voice when it comes to bullying and to take the power back from the bully. Hopefully the attention i have received worldwide will help us to achieve this goal. I don’t want anyone to feel left out or powerless. Together we are all fighting for this same goal. Lets put a stop to bullying here and now.”
What are your thoughts on Cantwell’s reaction?
To the person that made the "ugliest girls in grade 12 at hth" ask.FM straw poll. I'm sorry that your life is so…
Posted by Lynelle Cantwell on Tuesday, December 1, 2015
You are a beautiful girl inside and out. My twins were very pretty just like you but weren’t in the “popular group”. They went on to college and have grown and exceled way beyond what some of the “popular girls have done”. Your spirit and confidence is amazing and your life is going to be incredible. You are beautiful!!
Proud of you gorgeous girl. Besides, bodies change, hearts not so much. You are way ahead in Both divisions.
Grow out of the ugly phase? Seriously? You’ve missed the whole point! This girl is NOT ugly on the outside, for one thing, but that is not what this is about. And that wasn’t the kind of support she needed-did you not read her message? Beauty is not about what a person looks like; it’s about who they are on the inside, and this girl is perfectly fine with her outside appearance because she knows who she is on the inside. You totally missed that. Ugliness comes from within – do you get it now?
Agree! Actually the girl is quite lovely, genteel even, but her heart! Stunnnnnnnnnning!
You look fine to me. If we could see inside the smart ass who started this you would see that their heart is dark and twisted.
Hey! Let’s hear it for the millenials. The generation that preaches tolerance to everything and shame and hatred to much more. Generation hypocrite.
The problem here is partly their immaturity, but more so that older people are coddling them by listening to them without discretion. Listening is good for self esteem but the older person then needs to DISCUSS, not blanket everything they say with awe and approval.
I know this may be difficult at this point, but never rule out a possible friendship with the bully (bullies). If you are truly accepting and gracious, things may just turn out different than you expected. Great you stood up for yourself (and others).
You are very pretty:) I think maybe the group of girls that started this contest are maybe a bit intimidated by your good looks, Hmmm I wonder 🙂
Good for you to stand up for yourself, those girls should be ashamed of themselves!
Stand tall & Proud :):)
I don’t get it-JUST speaking superficially, where is the “ugliness?”. Her face is very very pretty!!
I’m confused……………….
You are far from ugly. You are beautiful. Don’t let those hateful, spiteful people get to you. They may be “it” now but when they get to college, they will still be living their glory days of HS and they will never outgrow it. You move forward, hold your head high and be proud.
I’ve seen many unattractive people in my life but this girl is far from ugly. I don’t see anything ugly about her. I teach my kids to use the term “different” than saying someone is ugly or weird. No two people look the same. Anyway who cares how a person looks on the outside…it’s their heart and character that matter. Your character is everything…so you can be beautiful by society’s standards but if your character is jacked up then you’re pretty much jacked up.
There is an old saying that still holds true, “pretty is, as pretty does”. I think you are beautiful Lynelle Cantwell!
if you were allegedly the ufliest – which I don’t see AT ALL… this by far must be the best looking high schoo laround SMDH. u go girl!love u took the high road….
Lynelle – Like you, I feel very sorry for those people who started the poll and those who participated. It is shallowness, insecurity, and immaturity that lead people to want to tear others down. You ARE beautiful, and your outlook on life will take you far.
you are fine !! its the hags who feel that they have degrade someone else in order to reinforce their lack of self esteem who have the problem. live your life serve God and don’t look back. in this situation you are the champion! keep it up!!
I am a retired school teacher and the way you reacted to this trash is great. I hope your parents know what a special girl you truly are. You will go so much farter in life that the sad girl who started all this. I admire you. You are beautiful inside and out.
She’s adorable, and she’s a marvelous person! What’s the dealio with the kids?
Lynelle is a very beautiful girl. I would like to see the ones that posted the comments 30 years from now. Weight does not equal beauty.
Lynelle, You are beautiful and the way you replied back is so outstanding. I know I am a big person myself but beauty is on the inside. Kudos to you.
I find it so sad that we treat other people so badly sometimes. People can be very cruel and hurtful. Lynelle, you are an amazing young woman for standing up to this cyberbully! Those who make the greatest impact on other people are those who treat them with respect and kindness. Looks only go so far anyway!