Lucy Liu’s director role on Elementary prompted some funny confessions. Actress Lucy Liu went behind the camera for an episode of Elementary titled “The Female of the Species” that aired on CBS in February and she shared some secrets. Last month, Lucy Liu took on double duty as she played Joan Watson in Elementary and directed the installment that focused on pregnant zebras that went missing from the Bronx Zoo.
After the episode called “The Female of the Species” was broadcast, the headline Lucy Liu Director Elementary started trending on social media. Lucy Liu, director and actress on Elementary; all of this seems to be a lot of fun. In February, Lucy Liu who plays Sherlock’s investigative partner, Joan Watson on CBS’ Elementary, decided to direct an episode.
In the installment the team focused on a group of pregnant zebras, which go missing from the Bronx Zoo and Lucy Liu was hoping to shoot the episode on location, but a snow storm made things very difficult.
Lucy Liu appeared on The View few weeks ago, where she spoke about the drama on the set, the day of the shoot. Liu revealed that they had to get heaters for the animals and added:
“They said it was just going to be some flurries. We could have been in Alaska. The snowflakes were this big. Zebras don’t really hang out in the winter because they are warm-weather animals, so we had to actually bring zebras up from the south. … We had heaters and things for them.”
The 46-year-old Kill Bill actress went on to jokingly share that that it crossed her mind to paint horses black and white in order not to have the zebras in the snow. She explained:
“At one point we discussed maybe painting little ponies black and white, which we have done before. Trust me, we went through every possible list of things that we needed to do.”
Despite the little setback, Lucy Liu revealed that she was thrilled to be a director on Elementary. The star confessed:
“I really love it. I think it’s just a natural progression from where I started over 20 years ago. It’s funny because you learn from the people you work with around you – not just the crew and directors, but just as a whole you see how everything starts working.”
During the interview, Liu gave fans the answer to the question that was on their minds – will Holmes and Watson get intimate? She explained that while it is interesting to have a female Watson, the writers have decided to stay true to the books and keep the pair as friends. Liu stated:
“We want to stay true to something that’s in the literature, which is that they had a partnership, they had a friendship. Even though it’s a modern-day twist, we don’t want to end up mixing that too much. Plus the fans area already getting used to the fact that a woman [is] playing Watson.”
The is the third time, Lucy Liu put on her director’s cap. In 2011, she made her directorial debut with the screen adaptation of the novel “Half the Sky” called Meena, a short film about sex trafficking, and she also directed an episode of Elementary in 2014.
What are thoughts of Lucy Liu being a director on Elementary? Do you like the show?
This is deeply disturbing and offensive.
I thought it was good.
I hope that the series “Elementary” has surpassed all its goals. That Demographics have been met, and the viewer numbers are good.
The writers should be commended that they tied in the “female” Watson with what seems to be a very deep relationship.
Lucy has proven herself an asset on both side of the camera, and I am sure that more things will evolve for her in the future.
Rob, YOU must be disturbed. She’s a terrific actor and director, and Elementary is great!
Lucy is a wonderful director and actress. This film shows just how far humankind has fallen from grace being under the influence of the Devil. Revelation 12:12 “On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.”
This madness will not be tolerated much longer as we are indeed, living in the last days. (2Timothy 3:1-5)
Love the show!