Lucky Blue Smith’s fans are excited and happy that their favorite model is now getting a lot of attention from mainstream media. The 17-year-old model is currently a trending topic on social networking sites.
Fans of Lucky Blue Smith are overjoyed by all the positive attention that the young model has been receiving lately. 2015 has been very good for the blue-eyed teenager. With over 1.2 million followers on Instagram alone, Smith, who was raised Mormon, is expected to become the next big thing in male modeling.
With a dose of well-cultivated androgyny, some commentators were quick to call Lucky Blue Smith, the male version of Ruby Rose, an Australian model, who has launched a successful acting career via the critically-acclaimed Orange Is the New Black. It is totally conceivable that Smith could follow the same path, a la Cara Delevingne, a 22-year-old British model, who used social media to gain more exposure and popularity and is now making noise in the movie industry.
Lucky Blue Smith might be a new face to some, but he has been doing this job for close to five years and has traveled the world for his career. Brands like Tom Ford, Versace, Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein H&M, and Levi’s have all relied on his good looks to promote their products. Here are few things we know about Smith. He is 6’3” and does have a girlfriend. He is very close to his mother, Sheridan, and he has three sisters – Queen Starlie, 21, Daisy Clementine, 19, and Pyper America, 18.
Two years ago, his family left Utah for Hollywood. Smith and his siblings are homeschooled. An aspirant musician, he is a member of his sisters’ band called The Atomics, and they are working on their debut album. Smith does not believe in sex before marriage, and he still can’t understand why young girls go crazy when he is around.
What are your thoughts on Lucky Blue Smith and his fans?
where’s his purse?
jealous are we? hahahaha
He wouldn’t even get noticed in a gym or locker room by the guys. It took me years to figure out that women love boys.
yep he looks like a girl……….
Really handsome. Will make it big – just too sweet.
He is a very handsome boy who just like the Jonas brothers who paraded arouNd with promise rings and talked about being pure until marriage but changed their minds after several girls offered them the opportunity to become a happy sinner. A person should wait until the meet the right person who they love and have a real connection with. That virginity thing is pure crap if you are doing it just because some old book or strange pastor, priest or rabbi told you to wait. Making love is a natural thing, no need to be depressed or oppressed like Lolo Jones and Tim Tebow who are miserable and might be spending hours masturbating anyway. LOL
Who is to say that he never made that decision for himself on his own will? Even atheists have made that decision. The bible encourages and respects sex and love but only in situations that are right. It is his body. Society preaches do whatever you want with your body yet slams those who choose to wait until marriage. As for Tebow and Lolo they are successful happy athletes, doing great things that many of us dream of doing, how could they possibly be depressed or oppressed? Please don’t mock those whose lives you know nothing about.
What a breath of fresh air. It is so nice to hear a nice story about a teenager who is happy to be successful in his career yet is not caught up in the wild Hollywood charade of sex, drugs and alcohol.
I certainly hope this young man keeps his head straight on his shoulders and avoid the errors that his idol Justin Bieber did after he became a mega star. All the best to you and make Jesus proud of you every day you walk on earth.May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13
Please please please don’t compare him to Justin Bieber. That is an insult to this young man.
guess we’ll have to wait & see if he becomes the teen-wreck people are predicting. LOL
No need to make comments about this young man needing a purse and calling him a lady.By doing so, we end up with people like Bruce Jenner who believe at 70 something they need to become a woman.
The truth is that Jenner is suffering from depression and needs the media attention – but instead of getting the proper help that he needs, he decided to have a very long list of surgeries to be more feminine.
It is telling that there is no female equivilent of Justin Beiber (of modeling or anything else). You’ll never see teenage boys going crazy and developing a cult around any female pop star or model (even the “popular” female models like Kate Upton are just media marketing creations). Of course males do like beautiful women to, but they don’t develop cult like obsessions around them (unless they’re mentally ill), even though it’s quite common for females (particularly teenage girls) to do exactly that.
Regardless, I don’t think he’s all that “pretty”. And TV and media have shown us there are a lot of pretty teens who “hit the wall” early, and suddenly aren’t so pretty when they hit their early-mid 20’s. I doubt anyone will care about him in 5 years, but until then he will probably will whip up a pretty good following of female worshipers.
Women love boys! So guys don’t delude yourself even though women love to tell men how much they like men. Boys can do no wrong in their eyes and of course having sex with a Woman and a Boy is just fine. But women will socially ostracize a man and woman for having sex.
It’s not negativity. It’s just good for people to know what they are dealing with so they know what to avoid. A lot of men are puzzled why after years and years of popularity that all of a sudden they get treated like they don’t exist. Of course, that’s why distinguished men go out with quality women and don’t even bat an eye a regular woman, because they know they have unsolvable inner conflicts. And being in the position of the “out group” as a man, he isn’t in a position to give advice to women. Love the Truth! Reality is Stranger than Fiction:)
This is a 16 year old child. Partially clothed pics of this child are child pornography and downloading and maintaining these pics of this partially clothed child on your computer could result in police action.
Pretty eyes. Is this his hair natural hair color? Seems like it should be brunette. Best of luck. My grandaughter is trying to break into the modeling industry at 13. Very difficult!