Lisa Robertson is a sinner, who has found Jesus Christ, and is hoping her new book, “A New Season: A Robertson Family Love Story of Brokenness and Redemption,” will help others do the same. Duck Dynasty stars, Alan and Lisa Robertson, have published their second book via Howard Books, where they revealed many dirty little secrets such as a cheating scandal, drug-fueled parties, and an abortion. The Robertsons are hoping that their book will guide others to a place of healing and acceptance of the past – or even to accept the Lord as their savior after understanding that we have all sinned.
Lisa Robertson is as open as a book, literally. For the second time, Lisa Robertson has teamed up with her husband, Alan Robertson, for a book – this is one is entitled A New Season: A Robertson Family Love Story of Brokenness and Redemption, and is now available in hardcover and digitally.
With only 272 pages, it should be a fast read, but the many unexpected revelations made in the book, will surely push the readers to take it nice and slow.
In “A New Season: A Robertson Family Love Story of Brokenness and Redemption,” it is revealed that Lisa Robertson was not always the good Christian wife, and mother she is now.
Readers also discover that Alan Robertson enjoyed the drug and sex-fueled rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle before becoming a preacher. Lisa Robertson, who is pro-choice, also confessed to having an abortion when she was a teenager.
Mrs Robertson claimed that she regretted the decision, and said she added it in the book in order to help other women come to a place a healing. The reality star told US Magazine:
“I thought it was important to include because there are people out there who this has happened to…I had one girl tell me she has cried herself to sleep just about every night for the last 25 years after having an abortion, and nobody else knows about it. She regretted it all this time, but she just can’t seem to find a place of healing from it. So I thought it was a very unique thing for somebody who is in our position to say, “Look, I did this. And you can find healing and comfort from Jesus in it.”
Another major bombshell dropped by Lisa Robertson, is the fact that she had a lengthy affair with an old boyfriend while married to Alan Robertson.
The Duck Dynasty stars, who have been married for 29 years, said it was the hardest thing their family went through. According to Alan, many of his family members told him to divorce Lisa after being betrayed and hurt.
Instead, the man of God went to therapy, and decided to forgive his wife for her sinful act of lust with another man. Mr Robertson said:
“It was really hard. It was one of the most difficult things our family has ever gone through…What I will say is that once I made the decision that I was in a place where I could forgive Lisa and I wanted our marriage to work, they got on board behind me. It took a little while for each of them in their individual way to work through their issues with Lisa, but they did. And now we’re very close and they’re very close to her.”
Amazon, which uses words like infidelity, deceit, distrust, and shame to promote the book, is correct to do so, because other shocking dark secrets revealed, include: Alan had premarital sex, he was also a heavy drinker, and did numerous illegal drugs as teenager.
Alan Robertson nicely sums up why he decided to share his life story with the world, by saying:
“And then I became something different…I want people to know that if you’re in some bad place, I’ve been there, and I know the way out.”
Alan and Lisa Robertson have turned their hardship to a love/commitment story, and then into a business; the pair travels all around the country, counseling couples in trouble.