Lindsay Lohan is an American president in the making, and the world can thank Donald Trump and Kanye West for that awesome news. In a series of Instagram posts, Lohan has announced that she is thinking about running for president in 2020 to save the hungry children in the world.
Lindsay Lohan, actress, artist, socialite, model, and now, the future president of the United States of America. Yes, you are reading correctly, via Instagram, (where else would one make such an important announcement?), Lohan shared two pictures and used the captions to reveal that she is thinking about a bid for the White House.
Inspired by reality star and real estate mogul Donald Trump and rapper-turned-designer Kanye West, Lohan is hoping to throw her hat in the ring in 2020, when she will be 34. However, there is one little problem here, the legal age to run for president in America is 35, Lohan will be eligible to be president in July 2021, maybe she should try to run for governor in her home state of New York or become a senator first.
The Another World actress posted a photo where she is seen attending the 2012 White House Correspondents’ Dinner and confessed that she is a Barack Obama supporter and was moved by West’s speech at the MTV Awards where he broke the news that he was hoping to challenge Hillary Rodham Clinton the next president in 2020.
Lohan, who had several run-ins with the law, wrote:
In #2020 I may run for president. Through ups and downs #YESWECAN lets do this @kanyewest #truespirits thank your for inspiring us to be better people @barackobama #kanyewest2020 #lindsaylohanat35 #lindsaylohan2020 with #34yearsofEXPERIENCE #unitingWORLDnations @aliforneycenter @savethesociety @unicef
The A Prairie Home Companion star went on to share a snapshot of herself with West and more or less unveiled the platform she would be running on – poverty. Miss Lohan, who has been reading about Mahatma Gandhi, is hoping to feed all the hungry children in the world. She stated:
lindsaylohanThe first thing I would like to do as president is take care of all of the children suffering in the world. #queenELIZABETH showed me how by having me in her country.
Let us hope that Lohan is aware that if she moves forward with her plans to become a British citizen, she can not be a US president. As for West, he has confirmed to several media outlets that he was not joking when he said he wanted to become the leader of the free world. He said:
“Oh, definitely. I’ve got five years before I go and run for office and I’ve got a lot of research to do, I’ve got a lot of growing up to do.”
Who would you vote for, Kanye West or Lindsay Lohan? Do you think Miley Cyrus would do a better job in the Oval Office?