Another day, another Leolah Brown-Pat Houston feud over Bobbi Kristina Brown. Just hours before the 22-year-old is laid to rest, Brown has taken to Facebook to slam Houston for allegedly using Bobbi Kristina Brown’s name to get people to donate to The Marion P Foundation, which stands for Marion Patricia Houston.
Leolah Brown and Pat Houston are officially arch-enemies. In a lengthy post on her Facebook page, Brown is once more slamming Houston claiming that she is using Bobbi Kristina Brown‘s name to make money.
According to Miss Brown, Mrs. Houston, who was Bobbi K.’s conservator, has been asking people to donate to a charity called the Marion P Foundation, which is basically a play on Marion Patricia Houston’s name.
According to Pat Houston, she picked that name for the charity because the late Whitney Houston used to call her Marion when she worked as her manager.
Patricia Houston claims that the money will help young girls via a seminar called Capturing the Vision, which:
lays the foundation for a successful future by developing the necessary character traits and life skills, including goal-setting, responsibility, integrity and citizenship. The program also builds self-esteem and teaches young ladies how to deal with obstacles, as well as strategies to combat peer pressure, deal with conflict, and create and maintain healthy relationships. Full of interactive, true-to-life scenarios, this comprehensive program will get students on the path to making their dreams a reality.
Leolah Brown begged her supporters not to give any money to Pat Houston and called the charity evil. She wrote:
“The Brown family has just learned that Marion Patricia Houston, AKA: Pat Houston, is asking for the public to send money to her foundation (The Marion P Foundation) on behalf of my niece Bobbi Kristina.She has not even sat down & spoken to my brother Bobby, who is Bobbi Kristina’s father, about this.”
Today, Bobbi Kristina Brown, who died at the age of 22, will be laid to rest in a bizarre sweet-sixteen-themed funeral. Meanwhile, Bobbi Kristina’s boyfriend, Nick Gordon, (who has been begging the Houstons and the Browns to say goodbye to her), is accused of killing her and has been banned from the invite-only funeral.
What are your thoughts on this new drama?
FB friends,The Brown family has just learned that Marion Patricia Houston, AKA: Pat Houston, is asking for the public…
Posted by Leolah PrayerWorks on Wednesday, July 29, 2015