Another day, another family feud between Leolah Brown and Pat Houston over Bobbi Kristina Brown. Reports surfaced and claimed Houston wanted to remove the young woman from life support, Brown rapidly took to Facebook to blast the story.
Several members of the Brown and Houston families are apparently faced with one of the toughest decisions any human being might ever be faced with: Is it time to remove Bobbi Kristina Brown from life support? Experts explain it is a two-step decision that is taken when the patient has no chance of meaningful recovery like in the case of Brown who has “global and irreversible brain damage.”
Taking the breathing tube out relieves the discomfort it may have caused. Once off the machine, a patient may stop breathing. However, in some cases, a patient may continue to breathe on his or her own. When the feeding tube is removed, death often follows in a few days. It is not painful. Most people go into a deep sleep before dying. Withholding food can be a hard decision. But a person very near death is not going to feel hunger, and feeding them may actually increase their discomfort.
On January 31, 2015, Bobbi Kristina Brown, 22, was rushed to a local hospital after she was discovered face down in a bathtub in her Georgia apartment.
Brown, who allegedly overdosed, has been in a coma and on a ventilator since the incident. Like always wherever the names, Brown and Houston appear, they are associated with drama and feud.
Earlier this week, several media outlets reported that Bobbi Kristina Brown was brain dead, and her family was ready to take her off life support.
Via Facebook, Bobbi Kristina Brown’s aunt, Leolah Brown slammed Pat Houston, Whitney Houston’s sister-in-law, who along with Bobby Brown are Bobbi Kristina’s joint legal guardians. According to Leolah Brown, the only person, who wants Bobbi K. off life support is Pat Houston, because she finds it too expensive to keep her niece alive.
Leolah Brown said that Pat Houston is doing all that she can to get some of Bobbi Kristina’s $20 million fortune left to her by her mother, Whitney Houston, who died in 2012. Miss Leolah Brown revealed:
Ms. So-called Pat Houston, Real name: “Marion Patricia Watson Garland”, wanted so badly and had the nerve to sarcastically say to my brother Bobby, “why don’t he just pull the plug on Bobbi Kriss, because it’s costing too much money to keep her alive!” YES, Pat Garland did have that nerve to say that to Bobbi Kristina’s father Bobby. It was her, Pat Garland, the one & only who had the big balls of such an idea! Therefore, I am not surprised at what the media has said. It is evident & obvious that SOMEONE just does not want to see my niece LIVE.SMH!
According to Leolah Brown and Bobby Brown, Bobbi K. is improving, and they believe that prayers and love will help her recover.
What are thoughts on this family feud?
FB Friends & Fam,The BIG lie has been told again that my niece Bobbi Kristina is going to be brought home..only to…
Posted by Leolah PrayerWorks on Tuesday, June 16, 2015
This is all so very sad and confusing! News reports have gone forth saying Bobby Brown says not to listen to anything his sister, this lady, and her son are saying about Bobbi Kriss and her condition. The news even reported that this lady, his sister, is the one he has banned from visiting the hospital that Bobbi Kriss was in, as well as her son. By the way, is this the same sister who sold Whitney out to the tabloids for cash, when they were doing drugs together? Who ever it was took photos of Whitney’s bathroom with drugs on the countertop and sold them to a rag mag. I’m wondering if this is the same woman who betrayed Whitney. On the other hand, Whitney’s own mother said that Bobbi Kriss has irreversible brain damage, so why would she put that out there, if it were not true? If this sister of Bobby Brown is so righteous and God-fearing, she would know to handle things in a godly way, rather than lashing out (WWJD). Jesus said to pray for your enemies, not put them on blast, and God said vengeance is His; that whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap. This lady has to let God be God and get her hands off the situation, trusting Him completely, to do His perfect will and not hers. You don’t fight fire with fire; you let the Lord fight your battles and you shall come out with total victory every time. “Give it to the Master, Leola.” If Clive Davis and Pat Houston are pure evil, God will definitely expose them. Their wickedness will be their own demise, believe me!