Kimberly Pankratius’ Nebraska Walmart parking lot incident is making headlines. A woman by the name of Kimberly Pankratius has been arrested by Nebraska police after she struck Julie Weakly and her husband, Christopher Weakly, with her PT Cruiser at a Walmart parking lot.
Kimberly Pankratius’ Nebraska Walmart parking lot incident has lead to her arrest. On Saturday, Kimberly Pankratius, who was driving a PT Cruiser, became very angry as she sat at the parking lot of the Walmart located in Grainger Pkwy. in south Lincoln and watch a couple take her spot.
Pankratius drove close to the duo and yelled “douche bags,” before driving off. The pair, Julie Weakly and her husband Christopher Weakly, ignored Pankratius, and continued to walk to the entrance of the Walmart store.
Kimberly Pankratius had a change of mind and drove back in an attempt to run the couple over. The husband and wife duo, told Lincoln Police that as they were walking to the store, when they heard tires squealing, they turned around and saw Pankratius speeding towards them.
As the PT Cruiser turned in front of them, Julie Weakly, 40, was struck in the arm by the driver’s side mirror. The impact caused the mirror to break and hang off the vehicle.
Despite the pain, Mrs Weakly refused to go the hospital. Christopher Weakly was able to get the license plate number before the compact automobile sped away.
Mr Weakly told the cops that the vehicle was “only inches” away from hitting him, and revealed that he was unaware that Pankratius was waiting for the parking spot. Police located Kimberly Pankratius at her home, where they arrested her.
Pankratius rapidly confessed to the crime and apologized. The 36-year-old woman claimed she never planned to injure the couple, she simply wanted to scare them.
Kimberly Pankratius’ Nebraska Walmart parking lot road-rage incident has lead to her being charged with two felonies, assault and use of a deadly weapon to commit a felony.
Pankratius was booked into the Lancaster County jail, where she remains locked up in lieu of $2500 bond. Should the Weakly pair forgive Kimberly Pankratius for the incident or sue her?
Below is a report on another Walmart road rage incident that took place in Albuquerque, New Mexico on Saturday.
Seriously… is the crap Walmart sells worth all this? BTW I am fat too..but at least I know I should walk more… so lady…park way out in the parking lot and take a good walk in. It’s good for the heart.
That’s nothing. Here in New York City they shoot it out over a parking spot
Yep, I can see that. Down here, they fistfight. Too bad she used her car. Now it’s serious.
Oh leave her alone. They were a couple of jerks. If she’d been waiting for a spot, and the “Victims (don’t you just love that word?) zipped into the spot instead, it would test Mother Teresa’s patience. Especially if you’re having a bad day. Bet they thought they were cute. And now this woman is going to get legally crucified for losing it?
Never forgot the upscale blonde who parked in a handicapped spot to run in long enough to pick up a birthday cake, and nearly hit an elderly lady who had been waiting for the spot. Self-entitled people are epidemic these days.
Oh yeah, because stealing a spot is TOTALLY just cause to kill them isn’t it? -_-
That’s ridiculous! “Stealing” a person’s parking spot is not a good reason to hit them with your vehicle. It pisses everyone off, but have some self control. Seriously, she should be charged. It was totally ridiculous and childish (not to mention dangerous and could have been fatal) behavior!
only a mother could love that face.
moron alert!
They should forgive her, she should be given a 2nd chance to correct her behavior.
No. Punishment should teach her to correct behavior, because she’s obviously been forgiven too many times if she think’s that behavior is okay.
I think they got her age wrong; there is no way that lady is 36. She looks much older than that.
She clearly has problems controlling her temper. I hope she gets help for that.
As for whether or not the couple should sue…what? If they had to miss work over this, they should be compensated for missed wages, but other than that…come on. The woman who was hit in the arm didn’t even go to the hospital.