Kid Rock and protesters, who believe that he should stop displaying the Confederate flag during his shows, are engaged in a bitter fight, and the rocker is not backing down.
The debate over the Confederate flag has shifted drastically after the killing of nine people at an African-American church in Charleston, South Carolina on June 17. The person responsible for the shooting rampage, Dylann Roof, is a big fan of the Confederate flag. The 21-year-old white male was trying to start a race war in the country and saw the massacre as an important part of his goal.
The tragedy led to some soul searching for residents in the Palmetto State, which resulted in local politicians taking swift actions to remove the Confederate flag from the lawn of the South Carolina statehouse on Friday. South Carolina Republican Gov. Nikki Haley played a key role in this historic moment. Haley, whom many experts believe could become a vice presidential candidate in 2016, told CNN‘s Don Lemon:
“Now there’s more reason to come to this state. I am proud to say that it’s a new day in South Carolina.”
Supporters of the Confederate flag are not ready to back down and rocker Kid Rock, 44, is among them. Protesters linked to Rev. Al Sharpton‘s National Action Network targeted an exhibit at the Detroit Historical Museum on July 6 dedicated to the “Cowboy” singer. The activists are asking that Kid Rock stop using the flag at concerts.
The artist, who is the father of a biracial son, is hitting back at the critics. In a statement issued to Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, Rock said:
“Please tell the people who are protesting to kiss my ass/Ask me some questions.”
The songwriter, who was born in Romeo, Michigan moved to Alabama in recent years and has adopted the Confederate flag as a symbol of rebellion and Southern pride. Four years ago while receiving an award from the Detroit branch of the N.A.A.C.P., he explained:
“I’ve never flown that flag with any hate in my heart. Not one ounce.”
Even back then protesters gathered outside of the event wanted Rock to stop using the controversial symbol. Some commentators have come to Rock’s defense arguing that he should be able to use it since he is just a citizen and not part of the government.
Actor Seth Rogen had some fun at Rock’s expense on social media. The filmmaker tweeted Friday:
“Does Kid Rock know he’s from Detroit?”
Kid Rock is better than this. At 44, it’s time to retire the badass act. Plus, he is the grandfather of a mixed child.