A Kelly Price divorce news has surprised many fans of the R&B and gospel star, but others claimed that they saw it coming. In a brief statement, Price revealed that she is ending her marriage with Jeffrey Rolle, Sr. after 23 years.
After 23 years together, Kelly Price plans to divorce Jeffrey Rolle, Sr. The “Take Me to a Dream” singer issued a brief statement explaining that while it is hard to split from the father of her two children – Jeffrey Rolle Jr., 23, and Jonia Rolle, 21 – it is time to move one.
The songwriter said that the passing of her sister in 2014 pushed her to take a real look at her life and to make some changes. Kelly Price added that there was no cheating involved, she simply grew out of love with her spouse and longtime manager.
According to the statement, Rolle, who is an artist manager and the owner of a photography business, will no longer work for Price. The diva, who has sang back up for Mariah Carey, Faith Evans, Aretha Franklin, Brian McKnight, SWV and R. Kelly exclusively told AlwaysAList.com:
“After the untimely death of my sister last year, it weighed on me heavily that this was something we needed to do. I ultimately made the decision to live the best life I can. I ended things because I didn’t want to compromise what true happiness was anymore.There are no hard feelings and I will love Jeff until the day I die!”
Kelly Price’s divorce will be tackled on her upcoming album, Sing, Pray, Love Vol. 2: Pray, which will be released next year. Many supporters of Price are baffled by the news, mainly because she began dating Rolle when she was 19 years old, and the pair had stayed away from scandals.
However, others claimed that they are not surprised by the news after watching Price and Rolle on the reality series R&B Divas. The program airs on TV One.
While on the show, the husband and wife were seen as a negative and toxic pair, who often fought with each other and with other people. Many fans have taken to the Internet to give Price some unsolicited advice. Few commentators say she should move on with her life to find happiness, while others told her to reconsider her decision.
I believe if your no longer happy with some it’s best to move on because at the end of the day your happiness count. I believe a lot of men and women stay together because of the children and that is toxic within itself.
I mean someone it’s time to move on. (:
Hmmmm. I do not think this entertainer should throw away the marriage, but the Bible teaches that if a man is not pleased to dwell with his wife then he should divorce her. This entertainer certainly is not pleased to dwell with her husband and has not defiled her marriage with adultery. I like the video.
I don’t know what bible you read…but it doesn’t say that.
They need to work it out. As someone who has been married for 25 years, I can tell you it is not easy, but throwing in the towel for the reason stated is not a good one. God had to be involved in the marriage from day one if they survived 23 years after being married in their teens. They have obviously weathered the storms of life this far. They probably vowed to stay together for better or worse. Maybe their have been some worse times, but what do you expect when you try to make two lives one? God honors the covenant, not the fact that some other issue comes up (sibling in this case) that causes stress on your relationship. I question what that stress condition may be , but again, one does not marry the sibling. If a marriage is held up because of a sibling relation, then there may not have been much there to begin with! I am not here to judge, I leave that up to my Lord and Savior, but the bible has VERY SPECIFIC reasons where divorce is ALLOWED and I don’t see those conditions being met in this case. It’s not about how happy you are with the other person. It’s about living, demonstrating and long suffering based on the love of God for the other person. Yes, you die to yourself to receive a much greater reward. No one knows what God’s purpose is in each marriage and it is for him to lead, decide and get the glory in every union. Marriage is designed to demonstrate his love for us in that he gave his only son as the ultimate sacrifice for us when we never deserved it in the first place. His plans are not ours, nor his ways ours, so we don’t know what his intentions are in keeping all marriages intact. (With the exception of violence, abandonment,infidelity or the desire of an unbeliever to jet) In this regard, and as covenant bearers, we are to hold up the other person, not matter what. No, ain’t easy! But Christ dying for sins was not either! Give God the glory , not the other person you are COVENANTED with and resist the enemy’s desire to see your union destroyed. It all starts with families and when you destroy the family , you destroy it all. This is coming from a son of divorced parents, so I know what I speak of. Finally , in regards to giving him the glory, It’s not your happiness, It’s his plan of salvation for all that matters most. Don’t forget that the suffering we endure in this life will not compare to the rewards we will have in the life to come!
Amen and amen
23 years years of marriage and you feel its time end it all just don’t make any since. there is more to that story.no body in their right state of mind does that.
They need to go back and review their vows. For better for worse. We have to learn how to work through the worse times. if they get some serious counseling, they may find the love they had for each other again. That’s part of marriage working through the hard times, you don’t just give up. It hurt your family in ways you can’t see right now.
Marriage was an ordination of a Man and woman; to be modeled after the marriage Of Christ and the church. The Church is Christ Bride. The Bride is so undeserving of Christ, but he loved us so much that he willingly gave his life for us that we would have redemption through his shed blood on the cross. If God had the same approach towards us as some of us have towards marriage, we would be doomed to eternal separation from Gods love. But his love is enduring, and he never lets us down, though we often bring sadness to the spirit of God. Christ was the example of long-suffering, and a husband and wife need to be long-suffering one towards the other to the end. God’s way, not our way.