Katie and Tom are making headlines. The latest issue of In Touch Weekly claimed that former couple, Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, are getting ready for an epic custody battle over daughter Suri.
Katie and Tom are apparently getting ready to engage in a nasty court battle over their daughter Suri. The December 23rd issue of In Touch Weekly claimed that Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise are not seeing eye-to-eye.
According to the publication, the former couple, who wed in 2006 and divorced in 2012, has been having a tough time co-parenting. It was rumored that Katie and Tom split, out of fear that Cruise would indoctrinate Suri into Scientology.
An insider revealed that Katie Holmes is freaking out, now that Tom Cruise is back in America. Cruise spent most of 2014 in Europe and in Asia, working on his new movie, Mission: Impossible 5, that is due out next year.
The source stated that Katie Holmes has been teaching Suri to be a “normal child” for the past year, they spend time enjoying the simple things in life.
The mother-daughter duo has been going to the Zoo, playing in the park, and riding the subway like most New Yorkers. Katie Holmes knows that once Tom Cruise gets his 8-year-old daughter, he is going to spoil her with things the mom no longer wants part of, and can no longer afford.
Cruise has a habit of splurging on expensive designer clothes for his little princess, he only travels on a private jet, and moves around New York in his own helicopter.
The person had the following to say about the Katie and Tom fight:
“Tom’s return after a prolonged absence will spark a fight over their daughter. Katie’s been trying to give Suri a different type of life since she and Tom divorce.”
Katie and Tom are apparently also fighting over religion. Katie and Suri have been attending the St. Francis Xavier Church in Manhattan, and she fears that Tom might try to get the child back in Scientology once he is alone with her. The spy revealed:
“She feels Tom oversteps the boundaries she’s comfortable with concerning Suri.”
According to the source, Katie is living a mother’s nightmare, she thinks that Tom and his million-dollar attorney, might try to get full custody of Suri.
She also has sleepless nights thinking about the possibility of her ex-husband abducting her only child. A piece written in The Sun, stated that the family was trying to spend Christmas together. The gossip giant reported:
“There’s no way Katie will set foot in Tom’s home or be in the same room as the rest of his family, because they are all so involved with the Scientology movement… So she’s asked him to come to their new home. Tom’s agreed to try to schedule his holidays to involve Suri as much as possible.”
But it appears that never happened, because on Christmas Day, Katie revealed that she was making monkey bread with her daughter and there was no mention of Tom. In a recent interview, Holmes said:
“On Christmas morning, we eat monkey bread – frozen bread dough with butter and brown sugar, which you put in the oven until it’s all gooey and sticky.
What are your thoughts on the Katie and Tom drama?
Don’t count Katie out yet. She’s got legal clout also, as she obtained her divorce from Cruise pretty much on her own terms.
My “guess” is that Katie got the “quicky” divorce and what she wanted because she has ALOT of confidential information on Scientology. The stuff no one in the Scientology community would want to become public. She has the power in this situation and no matter how much money Tom pays any lawyer, she can “spill the beans” on him and scientology in a nano-second. You can bet that she will do whatever she has to, to keep full custody of Suri. I WOULD DO ANYTHING TO PROTECT MY KIDS FROM A CRAZY CULT!
I think Tom Cruise should leave Katie and Suri alone to live their own lives the way that they choose. Anyone who uses their wealth to accomplish things for their own selfish and misguided reasons do not deserve to get the things they desire. Just move on Mr. Cruise and leave the situation alone!
Tom you need to let sleeping dogs lie. Katie seems to be a good Mother and Tom should be grateful for his child’s sake. If he causes chaos for Katie, then Suri may grow up hating her Dad for any pain and suffering he may causes her Mother. Children don’t forgive very easily those who hurt their Moms.
the children always pay
Tom cruise and the rest of his scientology nut jobs need to go back to the planets they come from, oh there are no aliens, just Morons, oh maybe they can go to MORON mountain
Who does Tom Cruise think he is. Just because you have the money in the world you all go out of principles? Yeah, money talks for those have millions of them. Listen Tom, you are a selfish, arrogant buffoon. This is not for you but think of the best interest of your child. You are teaching her that you can do anything with money. Your religion is a man-made thing. Read the Bible, your beliefs might change. I pray for your soul!!!!
He’s a nut case. She deserves full custody. I’d be afraid, too, I I were her.
Katie will pull out all the secrets and Tom will run with his gay tail between his asssss.
I do not think Tom has any chance in getting full custody of Suri, nor should he.
Katie has been a wonderful single mom to her daughter, the little girl has gone from a child always acting out in public to a very normal loving little girl in the care of her mother. She is a parent who clearly shows a loving home, and devotes so much of her time to her daughters well being, creating a healthy environment for her to grow up in. Katie asked for very little in the divorce, other than child support, she could have socked Tom for half his net worth, she was a lady who clearly just wanted out, and the material trappings meant nothing to her. Would Tom’s idea of parenting be, to fly the little girl around in designer clothes and jets with child minders, really be in the childs best interest, and of course throw in the Scientology telling him how to bring her up. A no brainer would be to have Katie in charge of her daughters needs.
Tom is a weird control freak. He already has POSSESSION of his 2 kids with Nicole. He ruined their lives with the CULT.
Oh for god’s sake you two! FIGURE THIS STUPID THING OUT!! THAT GIRL HAS BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH OF YOUR CRAP!! THINK OF THE KID FOR ONCE AND DO WHATS IN HER INTERESTS, NOT YOUR OWN!!! I almost wish child welfare would take her to a foster home and away from all this media shit. I seriously feel like some of this might be staged.
Both Tom & Katie are wonderful parents. Tom being the bread winner and in the acting profession has had to spend time off doing films. He also has other financial obligations. Either one of them Tom/Katie would never let care the best care for her go out the window!
Media hype it may be, however, it may be true that he does want full custody. It’s his right to have his day in court over his daughter. As the 2 different churches, we all know the Catholic Church has been exposed to raping children for centuries! RAPING CHILDREN! Scientology isn’t in that caliber, it’s the better religion by far!
That’s my story and I’m stickin to it. Lastly, I wouldn’t want my daughter in a religion that has raped children for centuries! I’m sure they will both work it out, even if it has to go to court.