Justin Theroux garbage pick confession has surprised many. Justin Theroux is featured in the latest issue of Details magazine where he revealed that in the 1990’s he used to garbage pick while leaving New York in order to survive. Theroux also spoke about how easy it is to date Jennifer Aniston and why he does not care about the paparazzi and tabloids.
Justin Theroux wearing a blue jacket and matching t-shirt covers Details magazine’s August 2014 issue where he opened up about his past life, before making it big in Hollywood and before dating Jennifer Aniston.
The Dead Broke actor made the surprising revelation that he used to garbage pick in order to find a meal when he was poor in the 1990s in New York.
Theroux explained that diving in dumpsters for food was not that bad because rich New Yorkers used to throw away interesting things.
The screenwriter shared:
“I used to garbage-pick. It sounds much more disgusting that it is. You learn a lot about society by seeing what’s thrown away. During the period I was doing that, a lot of great stuff was being tossed. What do they call that now, ‘Ironweed chic’? Edison bulbs and all that shit. This was stuff I was finding for free 15, 20 years ago.”
The 42-year-old who is currently staring in HBO’s hit drama “The Leftovers” said that it seems easy to be engaged to Jennifer Aniston.
The Frogs for Snakes star said that he does not understand why people make a big deal out of their relationship, he just fell in love with Aniston.
As for the tabloids that are currently publishing crap about him, he claims that he just ignores them.
The director, and screenwriter stated that at this point in his life, he is rarely bothered by the army of paparazzi following him and asking him stupid questions about his private life.