A Jupiter Inlet shark attack has left a man severely injured, he is currently recovering at the St. Mary’s Medical Center. His life is in no danger. The unnamed man was bitten by a bull shark as he and his friends were spearfishing for cobia few miles off Jupiter Inlet in Palm Beach County, Florida.
The latest Jupiter Inlet shark attack is making headlines. Just hours ago, a man, who is said to be between the ages of 50 of 60, was brutally bitten by a bull shark.
The shocking Jupiter Inlet shark attack took place at 1:11 p.m., according to Palm Beach County police. Witnesses told local media that the man revealed to Florida authorities that he and a group of friends were spearfishing cobia.
The group was on a boat that was in about 50 feet of water with about five feet of visibility. Palm Beach County Fire Rescue Capt. Albert Borroto, who was one of the first people to arrive on the scene of the Jupiter Inlet shark attack, explained that the incident occurred because one diver took the decision to remove the cobia from the water. He explained:
“One diver speared a cobia and the two started swimming up to the boat and when he dropped the cobia in the boat. That’s when the bull shark, got angry because the food he pursuing was gone, bit the other diver.”
The victim of the Jupiter Inlet shark attack was conscious as an emergency crew worked on him at the Jupiter Inlet Boat Rental.
According to bystanders, who gathered around, the man was in terrible pain as he suffered deep bites on his body and neck. One person claimed that they had to peel the wetsuit off the diver’s bloody body.
Sean Tobin, a boat detailer, who witnessed the Jupiter Inlet shark attack, told a Floridian news outlet:
“There was a lot of blood. He was hurting bad. His eyes were closed. You could tell he was really in pain. He had been bitten right through his wet suit.”
A tourist from San Diego, California told a local reporter that the Jupiter Inlet incident will keep her away from the beach, but she plans to keep a careful eye from now on and give the sharks as much space as possible.
The injured man was rushed to St. Mary’s Medical Center where he is said to be in stable condition. According to experts, the Jupiter Inlet shark attack was the second incident in the Sunshine State this year.
The first shark attack of 2015 took place in Indian River County. Thus far, there has been a total of four shark attacks in America, and no deaths have been reported.
George Burgess, who maintains the International Shark Attack File at the University of Florida in Gainesville, said that he is not at all surprised by the unprovoked Jupiter Inlet shark attack because:
“spear fishing this time of year in Florida, there is a greater chance of a hostile attack.”
Burgess went on to add:
“Of course, without knowing anything, it’s pure speculation, but the fact that the person was brought in from a boat off shore suggests it might be a more serious injury.”
One day prior to the Jupiter Inlet shark attack, a swarm of sharks was spotted near the Sebastian Inlet.
What are your thoughts on the Jupiter Inlet shark attack?
Kill all the sharks!!!
you can’t kill all the sharks! that would totally unbalance the oceans’ ecosystem which in turn will affect the rest of all civilization. after all, while i feel sorry for the man’s injury and will pray for a speedy recovery, he was in the shark’s home, NOT the other way around
Land Shark (SNL skit from a long time ago)
justin Cowley you are an idiot!!!! Sharks are in the water so if you go in the water there is a chance you might get bitten!!!
How about we kill you , IDIOT , DO US ALL A FAVOR , PUT A GUN TO YOUR OWN HEAD AND PULL THE TRIGGER , I promISE you the world will be a better place , and we all will appreciate it ..
That comment is directed towards Justin cowley the coward
although most of the shark bites in America are from bull sharks(the typically roam fresh water rivers where humans live) they tend to be small compared with the Great white, tigers and mako sharks that frequent areas where food amass. Spear fisherman are in the water at the same time and place as hungry sharks , wounded fish sounds and blood. Its the triple threat for a shark bite. those swimming the beaches have little to worry about as the fish the sharks are targeting look nothing like humans.
that is one hell of a friend.
Nothing to be afraid of or worried about. Everybody knows there’s a shark in Jupiter inlet. Been there for years. They were spear fishing Cobia putting blood into the water from the speared fish. Free fish with a nice blood smell. Beach-goers don’t need to worry about this.
We are in there waters….they just doing there job cleaning the ocean..Poor man was in the wrong place at wrong time…my prays go out to him for a fast recovery
Too often we forget that when we go into the water, we are no longer on the top of the food chain. We are entering their domain and ecosystem. we are food to these animals not because they’re horrible monsters but because it’s the way nature works. We are so numbed to animals we don’t think we’re ever in the wrong. We see animals run in fear of us every day, but these animals have nothing to fear except bigger sharks.
My heart goes out to the man who was bitten and I hope he makes a speedy recovery. But it is ultimately his fault for being bit. It’s upon our shoulders to take measures to ensure a safer diving experience. Looking into shark spotting reports is key, especially when going spearfishing, something that is almost guaranteed to attract predators. Another task you have to take while diving is being aware of what’s around you and looking for danger signs.
In closing, there is no such thing as an unprovoked attack. We are in their house and will be punished for breaking the rules. True we may not understand these creatures enough to know all the rules, but it is hardly their fault. They truly are amazing creatures. Amazing and highly misunderstood.
Yes, if you call in advance of the incident and get pre-approval.
Hey Shayne, i bet you have yours. either that or medic aid.
I Feel Really Bad For Him.
shark burger anyone?
shuman burger anyone??????????????????
im heading to florida next week to go shark fishing least I know they are biting
The only humans who should be (SHOCKED)BY a Shark attack, should be the deaf, dumb, and blind. I’VE Heard of hundreds in my 53yrs of life,
with out trying. Why is this so shocking? When you put your self in the ocean you as a human become part of it’s food chain and no where near the top of it !!! And as for the short sighted experts ,that tell you humans aren’t part of a sharks naturel diet? Are you kidding me a hungry or pissed off shark can care less about it’s natural diet, they(the so called experts)fail to mention that, because they don’t want humans to be afraid of them because humans tend to kill stuff were scared
of and nobody wants them to be extinct including me ,which is why I stay out of (Their WATER)YES Theirs, you don’t have gills do you?!!!!
We dive with the bullies all the time. We spearfish with them. It’s freaking scary, but so far no attacks. I came face to face with on right off Jupiter weekend before last. There are TONS of bull sharks off the coast of Jupiter and West Palm. I think the 5′ of visibility may have been a problem. Usually we have a lot more than that and it’s possible the shark didn’t get a good look at him before chomping down.
I wish him a speedy recovery!