Is Jude Law an aging actor? The answer to the question lies in the fact the English movie star, always had a difficult relationship with appearing older on screen.
Jude Law, 41, is slowly adjusting to a new role in his career. Gone are the days, where he would play the lead part, in a romantic comedy and his good looks was the main selling point of the entire project. Law is now aspiring, to deeper roles that allow him to freely showcase his immense talent.
Mr. Law, who is currently promoting The Gentleman’s Wager, a short promotional film for Johnny Walker Blue Label scotch, recently sat down with The Associated Press for a wide-ranging interview where he spoke at large about aging as an actor.
The Holiday star told AP:
“You get over a certain age, and you’re more complicated anyway. So, I guess characters written for that age are more complicated, you know.”
Although, Law insists that he is fine moving away from romantic leads, this is not the first time, where one of his interviews has turned into an analysis of what it means to get older as an actor. Aging has become a recurring theme, in his chats with the press in recent years.
In 2012, the Dom Hemingway actor said to The New York Times:
“In a weird way, it’s kind of a relief to think, ‘Oh, I know I’m not that young sort of pretty thing anymore.’ It’s quite nice talking about what it was like to be the young pretty thing, rather than being it.”
Whether he will like to admit it or not, aging and its consequences seem to often be on the talented actor’s mind.
In The Gentleman’s Wager, Law shares the spotlight with Italian actor Giancarlo Giannini. Law’s character is trying to buy a boat that, Giannini’s persona does not want to sell unless he puts on a very unique performance.
In the pursuit of his goal, Law sets up a neat little choreography filled with fancy dance moves.
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