A GoPro selfie made Joseph Griffin an overnight celebrity/comedian, who has over six million people laughing to the point it hurts. Griffin, an Irish man, visiting Las Vegas for the first time, accidentally filmed most of the trip using a GoPro camera on selfie mode – the result – minutes and minutes of funny faces and different commentaries.
Joseph Griffin, an Irish man visiting Las Vegas, Nevada with his wife mistakenly filmed most of his vacation using a GoPro camera on selfie mode.
Griffin and his wife, who was celebrating her birthday, recently flew to Nevada to see the great sights, natural and manmade, that the state is famous for. Evan Griffin, from Balbriggan, who gave his father the GoPro, posted the footage that Joseph filmed during the trip.
Poor Joe, not knowing that the gadget was in selfie mode, was seen waking up from his hotel room, with no shirt, (thank goodness, he was wearing pants), pointing to the buildings he was seeing. He spoke about the Trump Tower, saying it was the same color as the politician’s hair.
However, it is not possible to see what he was describing because the camera was capturing his facial expressions. The funny clip features Joseph Griffin saying, “Aww, look at that,” as he strolled on a busy street or while shopping in a mall.
Moreover, at some point he was heard saying, “I think the [Grand Canyon] is that way,” but all the camera was showing was Griffin’s face. He even threw in a “Vegas, baby” as he was talking about something spectacular that he assumed that he was filming.
Evan Griffin shared the funny clip on YouTube under the title “An Irishman in Vegas” and captioned it:
“So… Gave my Dad my GoPro while he was in Las Vegas.”
Evan, who added the Benny Hill theme song in the background, went on to add:
“I did not, however, instruct him on how to use it, so my dad being my dad, and a culchie [rural countryman] didn’t know which way to point the fucking thing.”
The video has gone viral with about 6,416,383 views in less than three days. When asked to comment on the clip that made his father a star, he said:
“They went for my [mom’s] birthday, so I gave [the GoPro] to them. All the footage is from the first day because my dad later took it swimming without the waterproof case and fried it so missed out on the Grand Canyon and everything.”
A majority of people laughed at the clip, while few say his son planned it. Here are few comments:
I think his son set him up. If Dad thinks it’s funny, so do I.
. I wonder why he never looked at any of the video when he got back to his room every day?
*does it get more Irish than this?
you can take the man out of cork, but you can’t take cork out of the man!