Joseph Capitanio’s bomb landed him in serious trouble, but not enough to get him behind bars. Capitanio, who accidentally detonated a homemade bomb, has been sentenced to two years of probation by a Massachusetts judge.
Joseph Capitanio‘s bomb detonation has been called one the dumbest mistakes by his own lawyer. In March 2015, Capitanio made headlines after Massachusetts authorities rushed to his home following a major explosion. Upon arriving on the scene, police discovered that Mr. Capitanio had the dumb idea of attempting to make a homemade bomb, and it went off in his Pittsfield home.
According to the police report, Capitanio tried to build the bomb by “packing a carbon dioxide canister with gunpowder, but accidentally ignited it when he tried to seal it with a blowtorch.” As pieces of evidence were collected in the partially destroyed home, Capitanio’s then 2-year-old son, who was not harmed by the explosion walked up to a police officer and said the now famous sentence: “Big boom, Daddy uh-oh.”
Mr. Capitanio was ridiculed and given the nickname “Big boom, Daddy uh-oh” by several media outlets. Capitanio was injured by shrapnel and was taken to the hospital. In October, the 33-year-old man accompanied by his lawyer appeared in court where he pleaded guilty to possession of an infernal machine and other offenses.
Capitanio was sentenced to two years of probation for what his attorney, Jill Sheldon, described as “one of the dumbest things he’s done.” While on probation, Capitanio is required to continue with counseling as directed by the Probation Department.
Capitanio’s lawyer added that he did not intend to harm anyone, and is sorry for his actions. According to the attorney, Capitanio never tried to create a bomb, but was hoping to make a giant firecracker having seen one built on television. Capitanio is very grateful to his attorney because First Assistant Berkshire District Attorney Paul J. Caccaviello initially sought an 18-month jail sentence.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Its people like you that make me hope ISIS kills all of you fuc*ing Nazi child molester.
I call Bullshit ! The second amendment does NOT include the making of BOMBS screw you ammosexual jerks ! from a Vet.
When someone admits they were trying to make a “giant firecracker” that is not a Second Amendment right. Also, incendiary devices are not covered under the 2nd Amendment.
However, he does not need to blow up a neighborhood, IF it had gone that far. I DO believe in the 2ND AMENDMENT.
Why choose a metal container? You always choose plastic or paper.
People who choose metal are either REALLY dumb or interested in
hurting someone. Trying to seal it with a blow torch… I know
where my vote goes. Don, where does a bullet leave and a bomb
start? Are not bullets focused directional bombs? A bullet set
off outside a barrel is a bomb.