A recent video that went viral shows a teenage girl getting pushed off a bridge in Moulton Falls Regional Park by a friend as a “prank.”
The incident put Jordan Holgerson in the hospital with two punctured lungs and a number of serious injuries, with treatment that requires constant hospitalization for an ongoing period.
Holgerson said, “I’m in a lot of pain. In the mornings it’s the worst; like it hurts to breathe. My side hurts. My shoulder hurts. I can’t even get up.”
The pusher, Taylor Smith, was apparently apologetic after the incident and sent a message saying she was sorry.
And while Holgerson was initially not overly mad about the prank gone wrong, once she recovered from the shock she completely changed her mind.
According to teen, she wants to see Smith behind jail bars for what she had done.
She explained: “Well at first I didn’t really want Taylor to get in trouble, but now that I’ve thought about it more, I’m kind of wanting her to sit in jail and think about at least what she did.”
Holgerson stated that the prospect of having her entire summer gone is not a happy one.
Moreover, Smith did not help her case by reportedly not paying even one personal visit to her friend in the hospital, despite claiming that she felt bad.
The idea behind the video was apparently that Holgerson intended to jump off the bridge, but backed off once she realized that it was significantly higher than what she had imagined.
Despite her reluctance, Smith pushed her forward in an attempt to capture an interesting moment on video, apparently not expecting the fall to be that serious and life-threatening.
No word has been given yet on any possible court proceedings, but it is likely that information on that front is going to come out slowly due to the sensitive nature of the incident.
As expected, Smith has been keeping a low profile on the Internet.
Update: The pusher, Taylor Smith, has been charged with reckless endangerment (up to one year in jail and $5,000 of fine).
Dear Jordan,
I have seen what happened to you on TV and felt so ashamed for what that girl did to you, what she did has brought shame upon us humans and to me it was like a total disgrace so I just wanted to say I’m so very sorry for what you went through and I hope that you will recover from this.
We may not know each other but I just want you to know that I sent you this message as a kind hearted person, and as a friend, I wish you the best of luck and hope that you won’t go through something like this again.
My sincerest apologizes.
Ricky Jones