John Diehl, Speaker of the House in the state of Missouri and a married father of three, is embroiled in a sex scandal that might derail his political career. Mr. John Diehl, a Republican, was caught exchanging sexual messages with an intern who is also a student of the Missouri Southern State University.
John Diehl, rising political star, husband and is now an alleged adulterer. Earlier today, a series of text messages released by The Kansas City Star explained why for the first time in 20 years the Missouri Southern State University abruptly ended its Capitol internship.
The hundreds of text messages between John Diehl, Speaker of the House, and an intern from Missouri Southern State University revealed a scandalous affair. For the past months, the unnamed student, who is an attorney specializing in employment matters and the speaker, have been flirting, having sex in his office, exchanging naughty pictures and making plans for the future.
John Diehl is not only a Republican politician with a squeaky clean image; he is also a married father of three boys. When the intern was contacted by the newspaper with the text messages, she claimed that they were fabricated.
However, two other interns and her friends stated that she had confessed to being in love with Mr. Diehl. She has since hired a powerful lawyer to represent her, and he has made it clear that his client does not want to be the next Monica Lewinsky. The attorney said:
“requests the media respect her privacy. She has provided all the information she intends to give on the matter, and will be issuing no further comment. (She) is not interested in being at the center of any political debate concerning her internship or the workings of the state Capitol.”
John Diehl is taking another approach, he has confessed to the affair and has apologized for his sinful actions. Diehl stated:
“I take full responsibility for my actions and am truly sorry to those I let down. I apologize for the poor judgment I displayed that put me and those closest to me in this situation.”
Diehl went on to add:
“I also regret that the woman has been dragged into this situation. The buck stops here. I ask for forgiveness. I will begin immediately working to restore the trust of those closest to me, and getting back to the important work that is required in the final days of session.”
Here are few text messages exchanged between the pair:
Intern: “You better take care of me.”
Diehl: “Like how?”
Intern: “I’ll bet you’ll figure it out.”
Diehl: “I dunno. You have always been disappointed;)”
Intern: “I just have high expectations, I guess. Thus far, you’ve done pretty well blows a kiss)”
Diehl: “:). I kinda want to hear what you are expecting.You will be in good hands :)”
Diehl: “God I want you right now,”
Intern: “I wish you could have me right now.”
After getting a bikini picture, Diehl responded: “Damn girl …Nice. I want to see more”
Democrats are demanding that John Diehl resign as Speaker of the House. Some of his critics are also hitting him for hypocrisy and his well-known opposition to same-sex marriage.
Do you think John Diehl is a hypocrite? Should he resign?
Before you get married read this.
It is estimated that roughly 30 to 60% of all married individuals (in the United States) will engage in infidelity at some point during their marriage And these numbers are probably on the conservative side, when you consider that close to half of all marriages end in divorce (people are more likely to stray as relationships fall apart; also see, who is likely to cheat).
Research consistently shows that 2 to 3% of all children are the product of infidelity And most of these children are unknowingly raised by men who are not their biological fathers. DNA testing is finally making it easy for people to check the paternity of their children
Infidelity is becoming more common among people under 30. Many experts believe this increase in cheating is due to greater opportunity (time spent away from a spouse) and young people developing the habit of having multiple sexual partners before they get married There are no definitive “signs of cheating.” But, in hindsight you will always find them
If bill clinton can get a bj from an intern in the oval office while being sued for sexual harrassment, can keep his job, then this guy should be able to keep his job.
That was 15 years ago bud. Things change.
He does not need to say he is sorry to me. As long as his wife forgives him.
Now she will be the one he really owes for the rest of his life…or marriage.
Cheating takes two…
I have a friend of mine that cheats on his wife as often as he can, I have talked to him about this…he is not going to change. I asked him if it’s worth losing his kids…his home, his wife…
his response is..did you see her….
I think he has personal issues that he will never get over till he loses his wife, which he loves. He needs to love her more that his person need to be accepted.
So here is a fun story, we were at dinner with a client, We can call her Anna (maybe that is her real name) Dinner, with Drinks, Well..9:30 now, it’s time for me to go home, they are going to get more drinks then goto maybe a dance club…
He gets home (dropped off at his hotel) at 5:30, she gets home to her soon to be husband at 6 ish….
So her story goes, it did not work out with her and her now X because he is too jealous. Well, 6 months later we were at a event, with Anna and Lee “bendover” (that is really close to his real last name) and he started crying and asking me to help him.
Anna was about to go home (hotel) with another guy and he wanted me to stop it.
He said it would be bad for the company since she also sleeps with her boss.
I told him, she is a big girl, the boss is a married big boy. I did not stop you when you messed with her, you guys can do whatever you want, whoever you want.
Why do you care…oh…yea…I guess no more kitty for you lee???
His wife is stupid to take him back after such a public emebarsement. He will screw another hot intern who comes along.
Surprise he was not sleeping with a man.
Anthony Wiener
John F. Kennedy
Bill Clinton
Jerry Springer
Democrats are unfaithful too
Jesse Jackson
Eliot Spitzer
John Edwards
Gavin Newsom
Kwame Kilpatrick
Mel Reynolds
Tim Mahoney
Antonio Villaraigosa
James McGreevey
Neil Goldschmidt
Gary Hart
Oh how those chickens come home to roost ..