Jill White who is a photographer shared a picture of a her daughter’s friend pulling down her bathing suit while on the beach in an effort to pay homage to the famous Coppertone ad. Facebook users reported the photo as pornographic and demanded that White be removed from the site. Jill white received a warning that she would be banned on Facebook for posting a photo of her toddler’s butt.
Jill White’s story of being banned on Facebook for the picture of her two-year-old daughter’s butt is making headlines.
Jill White who is a professional photographer enjoyed a wonderful fourth of July at the beach with her family and friends.
While watching her daughter play on the sand she had the idea to recreate that Coppertone commercial, where a little girl has her swimsuit bottom pulled by a puppy in order to remind people to wear sun tanning lotion correctly.
White took a snap of her daughter’s pal pulling down the lower half of her adorable red and white swimsuit.
After getting the other mother’s permission she posted the picture on her Facebook page.
Several Facebook users were quick to report the picture because they believe it promotes pornography and nudity.
The woman was given one day to delete the picture or she would be banned from the popular site.
She did not comply and her page was disabled.
Fearing that she would be banned for life on the site where she promotes her work, she re-posted an edited version of the picture with an Emoji face on her daughter’s derriere.
The mother was very angry by Facebook’s actions and spoke to the media saying that staff members should focus on the real culprits posting semi pornographic photos on the site, not the innocent pictures of toddlers on the beach.
Is Facebook too strict? Is Jill White too liberal? Which side are you on?
It is unfortunate that parents cannot post these kinds of pics, however is it really necessary when there are so many perverted freaks that would get their thrills….why give them the opportunity to view your Daughter in that sick light?
i think it’s normal and so naturally behaviour of child when they kidding, it’s not pornographic.