Jessica Jones is definitely worth your time. Netflix has unveiled a new trailer for their upcoming Marvel Comics series, Jessica Jones, starring Krysten Ritter about a former superhero trying to make a living as a detective, and it looks awesome.
Could Jessica Jones be Netflix’s next monster hit? It certainly appears so. Around the Thanksgiving holiday, Netflix will premiere Jessica Jones based on the Marvel comic books by the same name created from writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Michael Gaydos.
Krysten Ritter will play the lead character, and it will have the same storyline as she did in the comic book series – Alias and The Pulse. After a brief superhero career, Jessica Jones attempts to have a 9 to 5 by opening a private detective agency in New York to work on cases involving people with remarkable abilities. As she struggles to earn an income, she must battle Kilgrave (David Tennant), who had kidnapped her for eight months, and his use of mind control made her develop a kind of Stockholm Syndrome. Here is a brief bio of Miss Jones:
Midtown High student Jessica Campbell had a crush on Peter Parker and was present the day he was bitten by the irradiated spider which gave him his powers.
Jessica’s father received tickets for Disneyland from his boss Tony Stark. On the way home, their car collided with a military convoy carrying radioactive chemicals. Her family was killed, and, after spending several months in a coma, she awoke, was placed in an orphanage and adopted by the Jones family.
Jessica later discovered that her radiation exposure granted her super strength, limited invulnerability, and flight.
The series also stars Rachael Taylor as Trish “Patsy” Walker, AKA Jones’ best friend, and Mike Colter as Luke Cage, a superhero, who marries Jones and has a daughter with her. Melissa Rosenberg, who had originally developed the series for ABC in 2010, had the following to say about the unconventional superheroine:
“They’re very different kinds of characters. Jessica is about paying rent and getting the next client. She’s dealing with a fairly dark past. She’s trying to get through the day. She’s not really trying to save the city. She’s trying to save her apartment. At her core, she does share something with Matt Murdock, and he’s a little more aware of it, that she wants to do something good. She wants to contribute to the world. But, there are a lot of personality issues for her that can get in the way. … Matt Murdock has been studying martial arts. He has extraordinary fighting skills. Jessica Jones is a brawler. She gets drunk, she gets pissed off and boom, you’re down. She doesn’t wear a costume. She doesn’t have a mask. She’s just who she is. She’s an extremely blunt, direct person, and that applies to the action, as well.”
Ritter revealed that playing Jones was the “biggest acting challenge” in her career. Catch all 13 episodes of Jessica Jones on Netflix on November 20.