Javier Mendez Ovalle was arrested for the death of Sandra Camacho. One year after luring a young woman to his apartment in Mexico and brutally murdering her the “genius” student known as Javier Mendez Ovalle has finally been arrested for the crime. Ovalle was turned in by his parents, who learned that he was working in a restaurant under a false identity.
Earlier this month, Javier Mendez Ovalle was arrested, one year after going into hiding in Mexico following the killing of a teenager he met online.
Ovalle, a “genius” in science met a young woman named Sandra Camacho on Facebook in June of 2013.
According to police the 23-year-old college student, lied to Camacho by telling her to come to Mexico City where he pretended to be an agent, who would help her land a modeling gig.
On June 27th, the pair met at the young man’s apartment where a heated argument took place after the 19-year-old woman discovered that she was lied to.
Ovalle who represented his country and won at the prestigious International Physics Olympiads last year, pushed the lady who suffered a minor head injury.
Miss Camacho got up and continued screaming at the young man who some described as talented. Out of anger, Ovalle strangled the lady. Panicked, he proceeded to dismember the body.
Police found the aspiring model’s legs in a trash bag and her head in another near the apartment.
After the murder, Mendez fled, changed his identity and never contacted his friends and family.
For more than one year, the killer hid in plain sight in the small town of San Juan del Rio, just miles from the crime of the scene.
The former college student changed his name, obtained fake ID and passport and worked in a café as a waiter.
After several months away from his family, the so -called “gifted” individual contacted his parents and told them where he was hiding.
The parents called the authorities and turned in their child. The award-winning scientist was arrested and has confessed to the crime.
Few friends of the mad scientist spoke to the media saying that Mendez like “Virgin Killer” Elliot Rodger, often complained of not understanding the opposite sex and how difficult it was to get a date.
Just another reason to shut the border down for good and don’t let anyone in or out. They need our money way more than we need their cheap unskilled labor.
Excuse me!!! How ignorant you are. The US needs the so called “unskilled” labor you ignorant swine. Just so you know.. Mexico has many of the top scientists, entrepreneurs, but why argue with someone who doesn’t know reality…
Nothing like a good Crime of the Scene to get your flowings juiced
Why do they keep referring to him as “the gifted individual,” “the genius,” etc.?
Exactly, Kenny…
They love hacking up people down there… leave the garbage where it belongs… south of the border.
They do the same thing here in the states, it is just we have selective reading?
Another ignorant idiot! these crimes happen most often in the US with demented freaks. Just so you know it happens way more often in the US than Mexico, so be careful what you say… I think the garbage belongs with you. Learn the facts!