Janice Dickinson is making headlines once more. After Dickinson dropped the bombshell that Bill Cosby allegedly raped her, she apparently had a seizure on live television while on Celebrity Big Brother.
Janice Dickinson appears on live television and might have faked a seizure, according to some. The author of No Lifeguard on Duty – The Accidental Life of the World’s First Supermodel is currently a cast member of the British reality series, Celebrity Big Brother, and Tuesday night she made the producers very happy by giving them lots of drama.
Dickinson was sitting in the Diary Room talking about her countless controversial moments on the show when she realized that something was wrong. The former I’m a Celebrity…Get Me out of Here! contestant looked at the camera and revealed that she was stung by a bee and needed her Epinephrine auto-injector also known as EpiPen, which is:
A medical device for injecting a measured dose or doses of epinephrine (adrenaline), by means of autoinjector technology; it is most often used for the treatment of anaphylaxis. The EpiPen is derived from the Mark I NAAK ComboPen, which was developed for the U.S. military for treating exposure to nerve agents in the course of chemical warfare.Trademark names for the autoinjector device include EpiPen, Emerade, Twinject, Adrenaclick, Anapen, Jext, Allerject, and Auvi-Q.
Dickinson, who has a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) to bee stings, started screaming and telling staff members that her hands were hurting and swollen. The television star said:
“Look, look at the color of the hands. This is turning blue. It’s going up my hand. I don’t want it to reach my heart!”.
The 60-year-old America’s Next Top Model and The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency judge started showing her aching hands when she suddenly fell to the floor and began having seizure-like symptoms. Dickinson was rushed to a nearby hospital where she was treated for the bee sting. According to TMZ:
Sources who were in contact with Janice during her hospital visit tell TMZ … it was very serious and Janice “almost died.” We’re told she’s extremely allergic, but didn’t have her own EpiPen with her in the house.
The same people at TMZ are saying that there is a possibility that Janice Dickinson faked the whole thing for ratings. Dickinson is getting paid $457,330 to be on the show and will, therefore, say or do anything to make her appearance memorable.