Jake Brewer’s death has rattled a family and the White House. At the age of 34, Mr. Brewer, who was named a chief technology advisor at the White House back in June, died as he was taking part in a charity bike ride.
Jake Brewer‘s death at the age of 34 occurred while he was helping others. In an Instagram post shared by Fox News commentator Mary Katharine Ham, she revealed that Jake Brewer, her husband had passed away over the weekend.
Mrs. Ham explained that on Saturday while Brewer was riding his bike during the Ride to Conquer Cancer rally in honor of a sick pal in Mount Airy, Maryland, a fatal accident occurred.
Brewer lost control of his bicycle, crossed the yellow lines and was hit by a vehicle. He was pronounced dead at the scene. Mr. Brewer was a very vibrant man never afraid to challenge himself; he was also a loving husband and the father of a young daughter with a baby on the way.
Mrs. Ham, who has been sharing loads of photos of her heroic, funny and outdoor-loving spouse, explained:
“We lost our Jake yesterday, and I lost part of my heart and the father of my sweet babies.I don’t have to tell most of you how wonderful he was. It was self-evident. His life was his testimony, and it was powerful and tender and fierce, with an ever-present twinkle in the eye. I will miss him forever, even more than I can know right now.”
In June, Brewer landed a post at the White House in the office of the chief technology officer. According to his website, the athlete worked on “initiatives to expand access to job opportunities in the technology sector and widen the availability of broadband connectivity.”
President Barack Obama issued a statement on the passing of his staffer that read:
“I am heartbroken at the tragic loss of one of my advisors, Jake Brewer. We set out to recruit the best of the best to join their government and help us harness the power of technology and data to innovate new solutions for the 21st century. Simply put, Jake was one of the best. Armed with a brilliant mind, a big heart, and an insatiable desire to give back, Jake devoted his life to empowering people and making government work better for them. He worked to give citizens a louder voice in our society. He engaged our striving immigrants. He pushed for more transparency in our democracy. And he sought to expand opportunity for all. I’ve often said that today’s younger generation is smarter, more determined, and more capable of making a difference than I was as a young man. Jake was proof of that. Michelle and I are praying for all of Jake’s family and his many friends, most of all his wife, Mary Katharine Ham, their daughter, Georgia, and their growing family. They’ll always have a family here at the White House.”
A Go Fund Me page has been set up by friends and family to raise funds for the education of Brewer’s two children.
So very sorry for your loss, Mrs Ham.
A very educated man with a high calling hes in gods hands now RIP
A very educated man he,s in Gods hand now may he RiP may god also bless his family.
Having lost my first husband and first love of my life I feel your pain and am so sorry that you and your babies will no longer have him in your life. A spark goes out but God always gives hope, I pray that he will guide and see you through. My sincerest and deepest felt sympathy to you, your shared family and friends who will miss him so much.
That’s the worst homemade Captain America shield I’ve ever seen
Really, that is your comment?
Linda is right – I guess you and John Williams have very little upbringing. I repeat, if you have nothing nice to say or in your case anything of any intelligence it is best to say nothing at all.
Who cares about a poorly made shield? At least show sympathy for someone’s loss.
So sorry about your loss
you are one heartless soul.
Wow… someone’s spouse was just involved in a tragic accident and THIS is what you have to say???… Unbelievable.
To the widow – I am very sorry for your loss. From seeing these photos of you two, it looked like a storybook… I hope you take your time to heal from this tragedy.
Seriously? What a moron!
MK: Our hearts and prayers are with you and your family.
Keep your stupid comments for your stupid self!!!
obviously you are an idiot, Mary Katharine we enjoy you on Fox I will say A prayer for your family tonight.And may you look at your beautiful children and see your husband in them. And may that bring you comfort, know that he is in a peaceful place and loves you. And one day you will be together again. God Bless
My heart and Prayers goes out to you, your beautiful daughter, and unborn child. I can’t say I know how you feel sweetie, but my heart breaks for you, I could see the Love you two have for each other. I will tell you “nothing can take that Love away” God Bless you and you sweet little family.
Mary Katherine, Georgia, and your daughter,
Please know that all of us who know your family are grieving along with you. God bless you all and keep you in his spirit and within his boundless love.
Jake will be missed, by you most of all. He will be missed by all of us.
I love that you are sharing the joy of your marriage. What a beautiful testimony that death does not have the last word! We are as St.John Paul II said, Resurrection people.
It’s people like this that shouldn’t die. It’s people like this that should get that lucky second chance, or continued 9 lives…the world takes the best, and at the worst times when all you want to hear is something positive.
First Kerry, now him. Seems the Obama Admin staff has very bad luck riding bicycles…
Horrible thing to say, shame on you.
What are you Linda? The word police? You don’t need to shame anyone — their conscious will be their guide.
it’s called social decorum … which you have none.
I guess you were never taught if you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all.
Find some compassion John… That’s a very heartless thing to say.
It is with a heavy heart that I respond knowing the emptiness that you must feel now. Remembering all the wonderful times is what will forever keep him in your heart.Praying for you and your family.
I watch you on Fox all the time and am one of your greatest fans. My heart is hurting with you right now. No way can I understand what you are going through. Just know there a people like myself who care and are praying for you.
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My deepest and heartfelt condolences to your family and friends. Sending heartfelt prayers.
Easy to see the life and laughter this young man brought to all those around him. To lose a person who was so giving in nature to others is a greater loss than most. Our family will pray for you and the kids. Hoping the kids will grow up and catch some of the joy their father got through giving to others. That twinkle in the eye and that giving spirit is usually multi-generational.
So sorry for your lose, he seemed like a really great person, husband and father. My heart is heavy for you.
My heart goes out to you and your family. May God heal your broken hearts and bless you all three.
Dear Mary Katherine you do not know me and perhaps our paths may never cross but I do know that thousands of people that do not know you personally either are lifting you and your family to God in prayer. Our journey in life takes us thru high and low valleys and through them all, God promised us that He would never leave us nor forsake us. Someday, you will see that He held you in His arms all the time. Gods grace to you and the children!
Having listened to you and WMAL for years I wish the best for you and your expanding family. Thank you for posting the beautiful pictures of your family for us to behold.
Hang Tuff Lady! God loves you and yours.
Such a very sad loss. Looks like they had a wonderful life together.
Mrs. Ham, though life is incredibly tough right now, please know that God loves you and will never leave you comfortless as you rely on his loving kindness and his goodness. Many are praying for you and your children and this will be a comfort and will lift you up day by day. Your friends will stand by you and your fans will always support you. Know that you will have our prayers as you go through grief and sorrow. We love you as a friend!
Mary Katharine,
May God bless you and keep you.
You are surely in my prayers. The love never dies. Such a powerful force, may it sustain you & keep you strong in the days ahead.
I am so sorry for the tragic premature loss of your beloved.
I am a big fan of yours. I pray God gives you comfort at this tim pans surrounds your family with his loving presence. God bless you all.
I pray that you find peace and love that surpasses all understanding as only God can give and in the precious memories that you shared as a couple and family. I am so sorry for your loss, Mrs. Ham. My heartfelt sympathies to you and your family. Big hugs to you all!
My family and I are heartbroken over your loss. You’re in our thoughts and prayers and God is with you.
My heart aches for you, Mary Katherine. Even though I didn’t know your wonderful Jake, I can tell that he was a very special man. I have been thinking of you and your little children since I heard about this tragic accident. You are in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you and comfort you always.
So sorry for this loss, God bless her, her child and her unborn baby,
Mary Katharine, you and your family have been on my heart and in my prayers since I heard this sad news. Your tribute to Jake is poignant and profound. May God in Christ hold you close to His heart, comfort you, strengthen you, provide for you, and reassure you that He will never leave you or forsake you. (Deut. 31:6)