A train hits a school van in India leaving eight dead and several injured. According to local media, a gateman attempted to warn the driver of the van and failed.
A community in India is mourning after a train hit a school van killing many children. According to police officer Arvind Bhushan Pandey, on Monday, a horrible accident took place in Lucknow, the capital of the state of Uttar Pradesh.
Mr. Pandey explained that the van driver, who was transporting about two dozens of children, was warned by a gateman, but failed to hear the signal. The reason? It appears that the driver was wearing earphones, and no one knows why.
The van was struck by a speeding train at an unmanned railway crossing in Bhadohi. The accident left eight of the students dead, and six others were injured. Pandey, the district police superintendent, told the media:
“Though the gateman tried to alert the van driver about the train, the driver couldn’t hear his warnings because he had an earphone on.”
Pandey went on to add that all of the injured children are being treated at a nearby hospital. It is believed that the driver, who was injured, is currently being treated at the BHU hospital.
The 20 children in the van were students at the Tender Hearts English School. They were all under the age of 10. The police added:
“The driver and six children were also injured in the collision at the railway crossing in Aurai, 275 kms (170 miles) from Lucknow, the capital of the state of Uttar Pradesh.”
Kokila Baranwal, the manager of the school, has declined to comment on the accident and could not confirm or deny the claims that the driver was wearing earphones while the students were under his care.
The rise of train-related accidents has prompted Indian authorities to take measures. It is being reported:
“India has 10,440 unmanned railway intersections, where authorities aim to step up safety in the next four years, with measures such as building subway tunnels and overhead bridges for pedestrians.”