Wendy Williams has been going through some difficult times lately, and it looks like she has taken the wrong approach to vent her frustration, trying to diss some of her fellow celebrities and provoking them into a feud.
“Fancy” rapper Iggy Azalea was one of her most recent targets after Williams referred to her as “the Australian girl with a fake body.”
Williams’ comment immediately drew criticism and ridicule, with many commenters pointing out the irony in her trying to body-shame someone.
In the end, the statement made by Williams went viral, with many making fun of the show host for her overstepping.
And it did not take long for Azalea herself to fire back, asking, “Who’s the crack head in the half way house with the gossip show thing?”
And as if taking jabs at the recent personal difficulties Williams has faced was not enough, Azalea added, “Wendy Williams is a walking mike Tyson tribal tattoo slapped over a deeply set c-section scar. I’ve had enough”.
Her comments immediately blew up, with many people reposting them and poking fun at Williams, asking her if she had noticed what Azalea had said about her.
Williams went quiet after that, and it looks like she might not have much to say back to the online crowds.
Many people seemed to enjoy watching Azalea take her down, so the singer might have accidentally drawn a lot of positive attention to herself, boosting her career a bit thanks to the attempted jabs by Williams.
One commenter said: “Wendy has a lot of nerve talking about fake bodies looking like a capital P.”
A Williams defender replied with: “Why they always target Wendy? She’s a commentator on pop culture. She is just doing her job, like any other blog or media.”
A second Williams critic stated: “Girl you’ve probably done more drugs than her in your lifetime. We know how y’all get down.”
What is interesting in this latest celebrity feud, Williams was talking Nicki Minaj‘s retirement and decided to use Azalea as an example when it comes to managing the hype around a musical comeback.
Minaj and Azalea had a feud that got a lot of attention a few years ago.
Do you think the TV personality will hit back?