A pair of hugging dogs by the names of Kala and Keira have become Internet stars in a matter of hours. Moreover, their ability to be beyond cute is the reason they are alive and probably playing fetch with their new owner.
These two hugging dogs are alive thanks to their capacity to be sweet. On Monday, Angels Among Us Pet Rescue, the largest all-volunteer based pet rescue in the South, shared an adorable photo on Facebook of two dogs hugging. Angels Among Us Pet Rescue is located in Atlanta, Georgia.
Along with the picture, the non-profit charity revealed that the animals named Kala and Keira would be euthanized if they did not find a home this week. No information was given about Kala and Keira’s former owners. Hoping that someone would read it and adopt the dogs, the staff members decided to write a lengthy post using one of the dogs’ perspective of her dire situation.
Kala, the dog, confessed that she was scared that in a few hours her friend could be killed, and she could be next. The pet added that she was very happy to have a friend to give her strength and show love as she prayed for someone to rescue them. The post read:
I’m Kala. This is Keira. We’re so scared in here. The people working in the shelters see how scared we are but just told each other that today is our deadline. We have to have someone rescue us or we’ll be “next.” Keira is black and not a “real boxer,” just a mix. She’s so brave and tells me it will be okay no matter what happens. She tells me to be brave too but I don’t know if I can be. Can you see our faces. Keira knows what will happen. You can see it in her eyes. She’s putting on a brave face for sure but I can feel her heart beating fast while I’m clinging to her. If no one saves us, someone will take her away from me. I’ll see her as she goes down the hallway. She won’t come back and I’ll cry. They’ll come for me next and I won’t be as brave. We’ve comforted each other while we were here. She gave me hope when I had none. Now it’s over. Unless…
The picture of the hugging duo went viral with thousands of people flocking to Facebook to beg the charity not to kill them. Several animal lovers also contacted Angels Among Us Pet Rescue to adopt the pair, and someone did just that. The organization gave the following update on the two pals:
THEY ARE SAFE!!! There are no words to tell you how happy we are that these two best friends are safe and together! Thank you for your shares, donations and offers! Just look at these two!!! This is why we rescue.
It is so important that we encourage others to spay and neuter and understand that pets are a lifetime commitment. It is so easy to say, why won’t the shelter do something but they are the ones reaching out to us begging for help. In a perfect world they would be empty as every animal should be loved and in a home. We appreciate the shelter getting this picture to us and allowing us to share it with our followers! We can do amazing things when we all work together!
so cute