Heidi Stevens’ hair, a hot topic in her column, it has also made her a celebrity. Heidi Stevens writes a parenting column called “The Balancing Act” for the Chicago Tribune and since June of 2014, she has been getting hate mail from her readers for the wavy hairstyle she opted for in her headshot.
Heidi Stevens‘ hair is a hot story that has turned the columnist into a local star. Meet Heidi Stevens, a Chicago Tribune columnist, who writes for the “The Balancing Act” where she gives parents, tips, and advice.
However, since June, readers have stopped focusing on her articles; instead, they are zooming in on the new headshot that accompanies her parenting column. In the picture, Heidi Stevens is wearing a light blue shirt and is sporting wavy curls – and there lies the problem – her curls.
Stevens is being slammed on a daily basis for not combing her hair for the shot. However, she is fighting back, on March 20, she published a post where she shared some of the nastiest and rudest comments about her hair. One person told Heidi Stevens:
“For heaven sake comb your hair.Your picture instills not one iota of a knowledgeable person.”
Another stated:
“Go to the hair salon and take another picture, your hair looks greasy.”
Talking to a local television station, Heidi Stevens explained that she is a busy mom who does not have time to go the salon. She went on to share that she is happy with her uncombed hair and did not mind taking the picture with it as it is. She stated:
“I think my picture should reflect who I am, not someone who spent a couple hours at a great salon.To me, it’s more like, ‘Hey, I’m in the trenches. I get up at 5 and make school lunches. It’s a crazy life so many people are living. I don’t mind if my hair matches that image.”
Heidi Stevens reminded viewers that Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton are often criticized for their hairstyles when they are working hard to solve important matters. Stevens took Obama’s recent bald head scandal as example by saying:
“Michelle Obama was blasted for her hair during a “Jeopardy” segment. The conversation quickly became about the First Lady’s hair instead of the healthy eating habits she was talking about.”
Heidi Stevens has no plans to change her hair, au contraire; she is enjoying the controversy because it sparks a debate on shaming people instead of listening to their words.
What are your thoughts on this Heidi Stevens hair scandal?
I love her hair – it looks like a short version of “beach” hair, like Jennifer Aniston’s. And no one sends her hate mail.
I think her hair is great. Looks super on her and all the actresses and other people I’ve seen that style on. wish my hair would look that good.