Hayley and Mike Jones eight adoptions will melt your heart. Parents of two adopt eight, this is the story that will restore your faith in humanity. Tenn. parents of two Hayley and Mike Jones listened to God and their hearts, traveled to Africa where they adopted eight kids (siblings) from an orphanage at once. The American couple who has two biological kids always wanted a big family but difficult pregnancies lead to a massive adoption of seven brothers and one sister from an orphanage in Sierra Leone. The family has made it the record books.
TLC should have a reality show called “Hayley And Mike Jones Plus Eight”.
A Tennessee couple has decided to open up and share their touching story with the world about adopting 8 kids at once.
After getting married Hayley and Mike Jones were certain of one thing – they wanted to a huge family.
The pair had two boys Tyler 9, and Tucker 5 years of age.
But after two very difficult pregnancies that resulted into two emergency C-sections, the pair who still wanted to expand their brood agreed that they would adopt one or maybe two children from Africa.
In 2010 Hayley and Mike Jones visited The Raining Season orphanage in Sierra Leone and heard the voice of God asking them to do more.
So the family started looking into sibling group adoptions and discovered 8 siblings (all with biblical names) whose father had died and mother could not afford to take care of them.
Without hesitation, the Jones made Michael, 16, Samuel, 15, Gabrielle, 12, Levi, 11, Malachi,9 , Judah, 8, Isaiah, 7 and little Zion who is 5 their children.
The Jones dubbed the Brad and Angelina of Tennessee have made it in the record books for the largest adoption in one time.
Talking to the media, the parents of 10 shared some interesting facts about the clan:
Mrs Jones rapidly realized that she needed a chore schedule so the kids could help her in order not to go insane.
Going out to restaurant is not an option any more because of cost, the family relies on free hobbies like swimming, playing soccer (the oldest son Micheal Jones looks like Italian soccer player Mario Balotelli – he has the same haircut and plays ball well) and chilling in public parks.
For breakfast the family eats 36 eggs and one gallon of tea.
Strangers who have heard their incredible story have been moved to donate, food and money to them.