Hart Of Dixie was cancelled after four seasons and this is the big headline that is coming from the TV world this weekend. The cancellation rumors have been going around for weeks, but now things are a bit more official. Hart Of Dixie will not get renewed for a fifth season, the last episode and series finale will air on March 27.
Hart Of Dixie cancelled, fans have taken to social media to express their disappointment and anger. For four years, the comedy-drama has been a fan favorite, but now supporters of the series have to get ready to move on.
The CW has not confirmed the information, but all the signs are pointing in the same direction. It all started on March 6, when show creator Leila Gerstein, tweeted:
“The final three episodes of #HartofDixie begin tonight. Buckle up, I think you will enjoy the ride. Xo.”
Gerstein went on to add:
“No one out there loves #HOD more than me. I would have gone 17 years! But I assure you, we prepared for this…And the finale will be tremendously satisfying to all.”
TV reporters and critics saw this as some kind of pre-cancellation announcement, but fans were still hoping for a different outcome. On Friday, the picture got a little clearer.
Scott Porter, who portrays George Tucker in the show, gave the reason behind the Hart Of Dixie cancellation. The actor wrote on Twitter:
“Folks wondering why #HartOfDixie got canned? Simple numbers game folks. Ratings still matter and dictate wins and losses. You have to WATCH.”
Where do things go form here? Gerstein gave some hints about what fans should expect in the upcoming weeks. She said:
“There is a lot of closure in the season finale and there is a definite feeling of celebration at the end of the season. Everyone is going to be satisfied that by the end of the 10 episodes, all the central love triangles have been resolved, all the central questions have been answered and we’re going to have a lot of fun along the way. We have been saving a lot of stuff for each of the stories and we decided to burn through it all this year. But there are also certainly doors left open for the future!”
Jaime King, who plays Lemon Breeland on Hart Of Dixie, posted a very touching note on Instagram Friday to say goodbye. The 35-year-old actress wrote:
From Lemons first entrance, to the last 2 final series episodes, I shall take my final bow. Farewell, my beloved Bluebell. It has been the best 4 years of my life, giving my heart and soul to this role & to our dear fans of Hart of Dixie. To Leila Gerstein you are my idol, a role model for every woman, a true storyteller, a BRILLIANT show runner & mother, you baffle me with your ability- you gave me a character that will never leave me because you saw that she was in me, that I could make her human, vulnerable, a punch in the face lovable Lemon. You let me take her and make her my own, knowing from the beginning that that is what I would do- make her so real it hurt because she just wanted so much to love and be loved. Thank you my dear cast & crew- we were on some ride or die shit- through the laughter, tears, pushes and pulls- how we have grown through each other so beautifully. To @joshschwartz76 & @TheFakeEmpire team- you are so NOT a fake empire- you lead me to the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow and actually touch it. I wished for that my entire Midwestern childhood. Zoe, isn’t it funny how enemies are just one in the same? Rachel B- you know I did this show to be close to you buddy, I love you. @cw_network, Mark Pedowitz, Lori Openden – there are no words. #ClassAct To our fans- You have lifted me and given me a gift greater than my wildest dreams. I thank you. I thank you. I thank you. And I love you more than words can ever express. And Lemon, you taught me so much- break the rules- be naughty for the ones you care about- be the BEST FUCKING FRIEND because loyalty requires shenanigans sometimes and being a best friend means that sometimes we act stupid, senseless, blinded by what looks like selfishness but is actually the purest love and wanting the best for that other person- tradition is great if it means being true to yourself, if not let it go gracefully or with the middle finger- you don’t have to rely on the approval or acceptance of others to love yourself, just love yourself because you are love, be a feminist & the only thing close to being “perfect” is following your heart. We are one. #HartofDixeForever Xx
Rachel Bilson, the star of the show, who welcomed her first child in October, has not yet commented on the cancellation of the series.
Just learnt that #HartOfDixie is CANCELLED. Somebody call 911 because I think that my heart just broke in milions pieces.
— Mihail (@Fenchx0_46) March 13, 2015
Can't believe only 2 eps left N then no more #HartofDixie .I'm so sad. @CW_network Please,change your mind:renew it! pic.twitter.com/3E4B4LIKQh
— Nancy (@Nancydreamer88) March 12, 2015
Why are you canceling @cwhartofdixie @CW_network ?! It's cruel and unusual punishment! #sad #thistotallysuckshardcore
— Stephanie Stallings (@StephanieStall6) March 15, 2015
I love #HartOfDixie so much! So sad it's coming to an end… I hope that the ending is going to be what we all @MalloryAMoye @Jaime_King
— ❄️ (@we_said_oh_my) March 15, 2015
Why on Earth would any network opt to cancel #HartOfDixie?! I genuinely do not understand why this is happening. #HartOfDixieForever
— Darling Anonymous.♡ (@_DarlingAnon) March 15, 2015
Hart Of Dixie saw its ratings constantly decline over the years. The first three seasons had 22 episodes, but season 4 only contained 10 episodes. It is safe to say that the cancellation is not really a huge surprise for some people.
What are your thoughts on Hart Of Dixie getting cancelled?
I really enjoy this show. CW, why cut off the best prime time show you run?
I agree!! Are you crazy for cancelling!!! This is the best show the CW has on it’s lineup!!
I agree, I love this show, it’s my favorite. They have so many cop show and supernatural show. This one is light hearted and make you feel good. Please reconsider!!!!!
I really enjoyed this show and I will all so miss it We have to understand that if we like a show we have to watch it, I never missed one show. I hope the cast the best and that you all find work that will full fill you and your lives, PS Lets just see how many people we can get to watch it, send the show off with the highest ratings it has ever had,
Wish this wasn’t true. One of the best shows. I LOVE it. One of the few I watch over and over and over
DAMNIT!!!! I like this show a lot. Rethink please
Love the show. The whole family watched together. Will miss it lots!! Bring it back please.
I am so mad they are cancelling Hart of Dixie. I look forward to watching that show every week. What a dumb mistake they are making.
Isn’t there a network out there that wants to keep this show going? It is the one place on t.v. that I can go where I know I will like all of the characters and including all their quirks. Everywhere else is murder, mayhem, and madness.
Please shop around and see if you can continue.
What about the possibility of a few made for tv movies sprinkled through the year? Or a full length feature film?
I hate the Hart was cancelled. I could only watch on Hulu but I enjoyed the show. Would love for it to stay on tv.
CW you are like an fickle boyfriend, you give and then take away. I am tired of getting jerked around by your unilateral decisions to cancel programs.
We are through. I am officially breaking up with you. Once the last episode of Hart of Dixie airs, I will no longer watch your programming. Oh, and Jane the Virgin, is a stupid premise for a show, and just goes to show the audience you cater to. Ugh….
Maybe Netflix will pick the show up! I love this show I can’t believe its over
Loved this show. What’s wrong with the CW? They have so many stupid shows and they cancel the good one.
I can’t get the CW, but I happened onto Hart on Amazon, got hooked, and binged until I caught up! I’ve been paying to watch it; that’s how much I love it! Please, please, someone pick it up! Not everyone gets CW so that’s why the ratings are low!
I will miss this show, but I haven’t watched the last 3 seasons because the CW was dropped from my Directv package and I didn’t get the channel. I have bought the seasons on DVD to catch up, but only seasons 1 and 2 are out. I recently found the CW channel was added back to my Directv without my knowledge and have recorded the past 2 episodes, but is meaningless since I haven’t watched the past 3 seasons. Gonna miss it now that I can actually watch it. And I don’t have the gadgets to watch it online as my computers are old and slow. Hope another channel picks them up like ABC Family!! I watch 6 shows on that channel.
We faithfully watch every week…. they keep all these reality shows on and cancel decent family shows like Heart of Dixie….. Please rethink
So sad to see this show going off the air. I’ve been a faithful viewer from the beginning. The quirkiness of the show often reminded me of another beloved show Gilmore Girls. Its a sad day when a quality written show that doesn’t cater on bitchiness or reality stars doesn’t get renewed.
I too am very disappointed that you’re ending it now. I so much enjoy watching all the time. The characters are great and the new shows that are coming out don’t even compare to what hysterics this show has. Anyone who has watched it with me laughs and cries along with the different story lines.
I hope that another station will consider taking it over because it does not deserve to end.
Harriet Tanner
Love Heart of Dixie!!! I was turned onto the show by NETFLIX. Now, I am caught up and watch it on the CW. I would love for NETFLIX to pick it up!!!
I too will miss watching the “Heart of Dixie”. Such a fun and refreshing show, and was getting even more interesting, with all the new romances, and the babies coming along into the show. Could have even added more with Magnola and Rose old enough to get into their relationships, and the new sister for Lemon and Magnola. Took me awhile to get to like Lemon, but after she grew up a bit on the show, I loved her character, and of course loved Zoe!
Please reconsider, now that their all so many new people and romances to keep it going.
Love the show, the charactors and the town. Please don’t cancel!!
I know the show is silly,but sometimes we just need a little silliness in our lives to forget about all the bad stuff that is going on in the world…there are shows on tv that should not have even gotten through the first show never mind being renewed…..what is wrong with people……I wish the best of luck to everyone on the show & happy trails to them that they find other work…….what am I gonna watch now on Friday nights @ 8pm
I watch the show but for the past two seasons, wondered why. I figured it was because nothing else was on Fridays that appealed to me. The characters act stupid. Nevertheless, it is a cute show but time to move on.
This is one of the best shows on tv. I look forward to each upcoming show, to see what is going to happen next. I expect there will be a new reality show taking its place. This is one viewer who will NOT be watching! Please reconsider your decision to cancel this great program. If you won’t, I hope there is another network that will pick it up.
Absolutely addicted to the show!! Love Zoe and Lemon. It is on my favorite list for Netflix. Nice to have a show set in the South. Gonna miss the characters.
I love this show. Teh characters have developed so much over the years. I was looking forward to Zoe and Lemon’s friendship development as well as the parenthood development. It was still funny and silly but the characters were maturing. I have watched it from the first episode several times and each time I see more in the character development. The shows depicts what friendship is truly about and being there for each other even when they mess up. I am so going to miss this show. Hope Directtv comes to Scott Porter’s rescue with this one like they did Friday Night Lights–also a great show cancelled too soon!
Doggone. Not again. This is my Friday night “pleasure” to make me smile and forget about the week. I sooo looked forward to it. Sweet and adorable – characters and story lines were just what I needed. This really has me bummed. I, also, would like this picked up by another network. This always happens when a network switches nights – ratings go down. If it’s a hit on a Wednesday, why move to Friday? I just happened to see it on a Friday listing when I was DVRing something else and watched since. Again, doggone.
I hate that HOD has been cancelled. It is a refreshing show when compared to what else is on tv. I think a major part of their ratings problems were that every season was on a different day or time slot than the previous season. Maybe if the CW would have kept it in one place for all the seasons, it would be their NUMBER 1 show on TV.
I too, will miss watching “The Heart of Dixie”. It was a fun show
to watch. Disappointed it is being cancelled also. SO may new romances were just forming, and new ones could have formed with the younger characters like Magnolia and Rose. New babies could have added some new interest also. In the beginning, I did not like Lemon, but her character really grew up on the show, and I really liked her. Zoe and AB were the best. So glad they all got together with their prospective partners, before it ends. Please reconsider and keep the fresh storylines going, to keep the viewers interested.
So long to all of our friends, on the “Heart of Dixie”!
This is why I don’t watch the CW anymore. They always cancel all the GOOD shows!
SOOOOO bummed! I wish more people knew what a great show this is and watched it! I hope the reconsider, but if not– at least they are able to finish the show knowing it won’t be back so we can say goodbye to our fav couples and they’ll all get their happy endings!
Sure, cut the clean show. Good ole’ fashion, clean living. Honest people, no swearing or nudity. But did have diversity, unmarried pregnancy, etc. Real life situations. As Sandra said, “Watched with the whole family.” How many shows can you do that with today? Please reconsider!
Noooooo!It is one of very few shows on TV that I love. Please, please reconsider
Netflix stepped in to finish The Killing and Crossing Lines, now they need to step in and continue Dr Zoe Hart’s story. Four more seasons please and at the 20+ per season not the short 10 to 13 episode seasons.
The whole idea of television is to allow an escape from reality and to be entertained. Hart of Dixie encompasses all of this and more. Why, with all of the ridiculous things available to watch on television, would this wholesome, entertaining, feel good program be cancelled. I don’t understand and I hope that there will be a reconsideration to keep this beautiful program on the air. So sad…..
I am so sad to hear this. This was my little piece of heaven each week. This show was so different than anything else on the air and it was refreshing to see this little town, with this crazy cast of characters entertain us. No real drama, no shootings, no social-in-your-face life lessons, just pure entertainment – an escape. I wish that the network would reconsider and let Bluebell live on.
Beyond disappointed! You could have at least given us a full season 4. I just discovered HOD on Netflix and totally binge watched seasons1-3 then downloaded the cw app for season 4. I hope Netflix or ABC Family picks it up.
Although it was a nice show it lost it focus of the whole point of being a doctor.
I can’t believe Hart of Dixie is being canceled. I love this show. It is funny and thoughtful. I love the quirkiness of the characters. There are so many vampire, horror, doctor and police shows on that this was a nice change. I am so sad that it only has 3 shows left. Come on CW, leave good viewing alone. Keep this program on the air.
Please don’t!!!! I love this show
Please DO NOT cancel this delightful show. I only found out it might be cancelled when I researched if the character of George was leaving. I have loved and watched this show from the beginning. No matter what time or night it was on, I always made a point to watch it.