Grandma, 90, with shotgun held standoff with SWAT team for hours. A 90-year-old grandma from Texas, who threatened construction workers with a shotgun, held a 4-hour-long standoff with police and a SWAT team. Eleouise Adcock had been feuding with the company that is building docks around her property. The great-grandma has refused to sell her home, to the river barge company. The 90-year-old woman had pulled her shotgun on the workers, several times in the past. Despite the standoff, due to her age, Adcock will not be charged.
Last week, a grandma who is 90 years old named Eleouise Adcock, held a lengthy standoff with a SWAT team after scaring construction workers with her shotgun.
So what pushed Adcock to the edge? The river barge company that is building docks around her Channelview home and is drastically changing the neighborhood.
Adcock has lived on San Jacinto River, for over 40 years and as of recently a barge company purchased all of the homes in the area.
The elderly woman has refused to sell her home and has been feuding with the workers who are building docks nearby.
On Thursday at around 10 AM, the senior citizen who was angry because the workers were excavating dirt and loading it into a barge near her backyard, came out with a shotgun.
Adcock had threatened the workers with her 12 gauge shotgun twice, in past and they never called the police.
But this time around, she appeared determined and upset, so the employees were forced to report her.
When Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Thomas Gilliland and his men, failed to convince the grandmother to put down the weapon, they called in for back up.
It took a SWAT Team more than 4 hours to apprehend gently the Texan.
Authorities handled the 90-year-old with care, as they placed her on a stretcher and brought her to a nearby hospital for an evaluation accompanied by several family members.
Adcock’s daughter has refused to talk to the media, but the river barge company is expected to hold a press conference soon, to share their side of the story.
Talk about a one sided story. Vilify the 90 year old woman who has been harassed, but don’t blame the construction workers or company for anything. In Texas, it’s still legal to defend one’s property, unlike the rest of the Union of the American Socialist Republics where property is community owned and individuals are persecuted for standing up for their constitutional rights by the both the media and the courts.
They weren’t building on her property.
good for her. the company wants to railroad her and she is telling them to f- off!
A 90 year old who is upset at the World around them changing… Not exactly strange or unusual… But police that treat her with kid gloves?? THAT is news worthy!! Kudos to the police for being decent about the situation. and BTW… We don’t know exactly what she was offered for her property (probably the same fair market amount all her neighbors have taken…) So to choose sides this early in the story is kind of premature. I hope all sides can come to an agreement soon… especially because this woman is in her twilight years and doesn’t need the aggravation. Neither do the police or hard working construction crews simply trying to feed their families.
At least it had a decent ending. I think the family needs to talk some sense into grandma or take away her guns before she hurts somebody or herself. Gotta give her a salute for being so spunky though.
I am very glad that this woman survived this encounter. It’s amazing the police maintained their patience during this incident. Unfortunately, back in May of this year another police officer in the great state of Texas shot and killed a 93 year old woman who was brandishing a handgun. He did this after asking her three times to put down the weapon. Apparently he didn’t have the patience that these officers displayed during their 4 hour encounter. The difference between the two women? Three years diiference in age and the color of their skin. Make of that what you will.