Glenda Taylor DeLawder had a real passion for animals, which is why not many people in her entourage are surprised by her will. DeLawder leaves everything she owned to the cats and dogs in Carter County. About one year ago, DeLawder, a retired AT&T phone operator from Washington, D.C., passed away at the age of 72.
DeLawder, who lived in Carter County, Tennessee, left her entire estate valued at $1.2 million to the local government. The woman left precise directions – all of the money should be used in the numerous animal shelters in the area to improve the lives of the cats and dogs being cared for.
During the Christmas holiday, Carter County Mayor Leon Humphrey issued a statement confirming the generous donation. Mr. Humphrey said that he was grateful for the money and went on to reveal what officials have decided to do with it.
According to the politician, $540,000 will be given to the Elizabethton Carter County Animal Shelter. The large sum of money will be used to expand the building so it can welcome more cats and dogs. Construction is scheduled to begin on January 9.
The head of the shelter also plans to purchase a new van. The vehicle will be modified in a way that the experts can have spaying and neutering services inside. It will also be used to transport animals to and from the shelter. The vehicle has been paid for and will be delivered on March 1.
According to Humphrey, the remaining funds will be distributed to other shelters in the area. The estate will interview the heads of those shelters in the upcoming weeks to decide which are more deserving of the funds. Humphrey said: “Ms. DeLawder’s family asked me to share with you that she loved her cats and dogs so very much and wanted her love and care of them to be her everlasting gift.”
He added: “I think Mrs. DeLawder would be very pleased that her gift will be able to provide for future cats and dogs at the shelter for as long as the shelter exists.”
Family members say that DeLawder was an animal lover and her wishes to help cats and dogs in the area will be respected.