Giudice is losing weight due to the fear of going to prison. A close friend of Teresa Giudice has revealed that she has lost over 10 pounds, because she is not eating and stressing about the fact that she has to soon go to prison for 15 months.
Giudice’s weight loss is caused by stress and fear related to her 15-month prison sentence. In an interview with Us Weekly, an insider has revealed that Teresa Giudice is freaking out about the thought that she has to leave her family behind and spend more than one year in prison.
The Real Housewives of New Jersey star has stopped eating and is only relying on wine, and coffee to keep her going. As a result, Teresa Giudice has dropped more than 11 pounds over the past 2 months. The source said:
“She’s skipping meals and surviving on coffee, a few nibbles, and wine.”
The person shared that her family is worried that she will become ill.The individual revealed:
“Teresa Giudice has been shaking from all the caffeine and is now down 11 pounds over the last two months. She looks frail.Her family is worried as she continues to obsess about prison and waste away.”
On January 4th, 2015, Teresa Giudice is set to report to the FCI Danbury in Connecticut (FCI Danbury is the same institution, upon which the hit show Orange Is the New Black is based on) where she will spend 15 months behind bars for fraud.
When she is released, Teresa Giudice’s husband, Joe Giudice, will go to prison for 41 months. The couple was sentenced in October after pleading guilty to several counts of fraud.
The judge allowed Joe to serve his sentence after Teresa in order to make sure that their daughters, Gia, 13, Gabriella, 10, Milania, 8, and Audriana, 5, have at least one parent at home.
It appears that Joe and Teresa should not worry too much about their children because Gia is ready to play the big sister role. Talking to Access Hollywood, the teenager said:
“Honestly, obviously, any news that is hurtful or horrible to hear is so upsetting. But my family is probably one of the strongest families I know, so we’ll get through this. It’s gonna be fine. And when it’s over, we’re gonna be better than ever.”
What are your thoughts on Teresa Giudice losing weight, out of fear of going to prison?
who cares,just another human being……………
am I suppose to feel sorry for her?…she’s a vulgar,classless, big mouth thief.
I feel so sorry for her. I don’t think this warrants prison time. I know that’s not a popular opinion but it is mine. She has children and yes, maybe she should have thought of it before all this but I really believe that she blindly trusted her husband and had no intent to do anything wrong. I wonder how many people out there have cheated on their taxes or their wives or husbands. I wonder how many people have gotten something for nothing in this lifetime? What if we all went to prison for anything done that was wrong? I think most of us would have done time or be in prison now! I just think the judge is making an example out of her and was unusually harsh to her. I hope something is done to overturn this ruling for her. Home confinement, anything besides prison time. Men have done much worse than this and it’s been easy going…..just not fair or right. Justice not served in my opinion. She’s not a bad woman. Maybe a little rough around the edges for the general population but she was brought up differently and she reflects that. No one should judge her except for God. I say give her the benefit of the doubt and note that she has not done anything else illegal in her life that would warrant this on this situation.
but I bet she still goes and gets a spray tan!!
it seems like shes trying to get away with serving her time in prison by making herself sick so the world feels sorry for her. Screwed up, deal with the consequences. I just feel bad for her girls.
lets keep showing the world that id you are a star, you are not held to the same laws as anyone else. Shame on our system, shame on all of you
HA!HA! I feel that she is doing this for a reason. I have a friend in the neighborhood that saw her out shopping so much for worrying. RIGHT
I have NO sympathy for CROOKS!!! they BOTH r guilty for the selfish crimes they committed !! and they knew what they were doing – she should be glad she only got 15 months – (should have been 15 yrs — wait maybe the verdict was read wrong)
If you can’t do the time . . .
We’re supposed to care about some reality tv show “star” who’s drinking wine and coffee stressing over going to a “prison” that’s the location of another “reality” show? She’s probably stressing that she’ll be too fat in the new show she’ll be featured in.
Eliminate the shows and covering their “stars.”
Oh boo fricken hoo!
Who cares if this self centered, self serving POS eats or not? If she continues to not eat, it will save us some money on her prison food and substantially shorten her time in prison, which will also save us some money.
she should look pretty weird then because she’ll still have those boobs!
She’s starving herself purposefully in hope that the court will feel sorry for her and change its mind. Fat chance, as it were! What a wuss. Danbury is an absolute cakewalk compared to real prison; apparently she thinks she’s too special for such treatment. I wish it WAS real prison waiting for her!
how many families are afforded the opportunity to be sure their childrens lives are secured while a parent goes to prison? its obscene. looks like the money they stole is still working for them and lining pockets in the judicial system
She lost the weight because she took off her phony eyelashes
Really, who cares? She is a convict, no better, no worse than any other prisoner.
Another ploy to try to delay prison?
This low life wop is what gives italian people a bad rap.
she should have thought about all this while her and her low life husband were lying to the government, not paying taxes and otherwise breaking the laws of the land. Hope he gets deported and her and her family decide to follow- . no sympathy here.
her children – her and her husband should have thought about the kids when they were breaking the laws