A girl, 5, saves her mother and her baby brother after a terrible accident in Canada, and the story makes headlines. Angela Shymanski was in her car with her two children and fell asleep behind the wheel. The vehicle crashed into a ditch, and the mom became unconscious, but Lexi Shymanski took matters into her own hands and stopped several motorists for help.
A sharp girl saved her mother and baby brother by climbing out of her lifesaving car seat to flag drivers for help.
On June 8, Angela Shymanski, her 5-year-old daughter Lexi, and 2-month-old son Peter, were heading back home to Prince George after vacationing in Calgary, Canada.
Shymanski felt tired and started dozing off, which prompted her to take the decision to stop at Jasper for some rest. About three miles from Jasper, the mother fell asleep behind the wheel of her SUV, drove straight into a tree and landed into a 40-foot drop.
The mother was knocked out unconscious, suffered a broken back and internal injuries. However, little Lexi, who was unharmed, climbed out of her car seat, crawled out of the embankment to “flag down help from the side of the road,” according to her mother. The mom said:
“It’s crazy. I only can remember one or two times where she got out of her five-point harness previously. She somehow got out, adrenaline or whatever, and barefoot hiked up the embankment.”
The first motorist to stop and help the child was a family man, who was going hiking with his wife and 5-year-old son, (born the same day as baby Peter).
The man was able to get baby Peter out of the vehicle, but could not reach to Shymanski. The good Samaritan returned to the road and stopped another driver, who by some miracle was an off-duty paramedic, and who knew that the mother should not be moved.
Shymanski, who had a bone fragment stuck inside her spinal column just inches from her spinal cord, could have become paralyzed if they had attempted to remove her from the damaged vehicle. The proud mom added:
“If they would have jostled me a little bit, I might have been completely paralyzed. It’s hard to know.”
Paramedics were forced to use ropes to get to the SUV and get the family to a hospital in Jasper. The trio was later airlifted to Edmonton where a neurologist discovered that Peter had suffered a severe brain bleed.
The baby boy was rushed into surgery and is now doing well. As for the mother, she feels very guilty, is still in pain and uses a wheelchair. However, she is expected to make a full recovery.
Lexi, who suffered only a small scratch on her chin, is now at home swimming and doing gymnastics, but often has nightmares about the accident. The mother went on to say:
“She just doesn’t know what it means.She’s just five years old and so happy to be home and playing with her dog and her ducks.”
Little Lexi also made few friends – the family – who rescued the Shymanskis often calls to check on her.
This is a beautiful story that touched my heart greatly. I have been a trauma medic for 15 years now and I have seen a lot of heroic acts, but when it comes from a child it is all the more amazing. Children are truly lifes greatest blessing
That little girl was amazing. She made a decision to help her Mom who wouldn’t wake up and to help her baby brother. She deserves to get something special for her brave act of getting help. I don’t often propose that someone doing a good deed receive a gift but this little girl did something amazing and really wouldn’t understand getting a medal or a piece of paper.