Girl finds meth in Halloween candy and story makes headlines. An 8-year-old girl who went trick-or-treating on Halloween, returned home with a plastic bag that contained meth.
Girl finds meth in Halloween candy after trick-or-treating in California. On Friday, a little girl from Hercules returned home to her parents with a Halloween candy that contained a .1-gram plastic bag of crystal methamphetamine.
The girl’s father who did not wish to reveal his identity, said that he found the meth while he was sorting through the candy collected. Hercules Police Sgt. Ezra Tafesse, who believes that the child got the meth from someone living in the Promenade area, shared with the media what the dad said:
“He had been checking his child’s Halloween candy after putting it away on Halloween night, and while checking it found the baggie and suspected it was illegal drugs. He wanted to report it.”
Tafesse added that the amount of meth found is enough to have felony charges filed for possession of controlled substance. The police officer said that they are investigating the incident, and he does not know if the drug was given to the child on purpose or by accident. The cop told local media:
“This could have been intentional or it could have been accidental and we won’t know until we speak with the person who did this.”
The case of “girl finds meth in Halloween candy” has prompted law enforcers to educate residents on the dangerous side of trick-or-treating. Tafesse said:
“More than anything, we want to educate the public to inspect their children’s candy before giving it to them.”
According to the cop, the area where the girl was trick-or-treating comprises roughly a quarter square mile, so it will not be very difficult to find the criminal.
Believe it or not, while it might be rare, this is not the first time that Tafesse had to investigate a case where drugs have been found in Halloween candy. On numerous occasions, parents in Hercules found marijuana in their children’s candies.
Hercules police are encouraging anyone who finds illegal drugs in their children’s candy to contact them at 510-799-8260 or 510-724-1111.
Few parents from the area have spoken to the media saying that their children will no longer be going trick-or-treating.
I bet the stoners who gave it to her went out of their mind trying to find their poison the next day. Divine justice.