A police officer from Florida proved to be a real hero after he managed to save a 15-year-old girl from being attacked by an aggressive alligator.
The incident happened in Lake County when Jordan Broderick tried to escape from the vicious 10-foot reptile by climbing up a tree.
Apparently, the girl went for a swim in a small river in the Ocala National Forest when she first noticed the danger.
As a result, the terrified teenager spent nearly an hour hanging from branches while the alligator was waiting for her to come to the ground.
It was Jordan’s distressed mother who made the emergency call to 911 and asked them to rescue her daughter from the hostile animal.
The mom told the dispatcher, “My daughter is stuck in a fricking tree and there are gators surrounding her. We can’t get her out. She’s just 15.”
Deputy Mitch Blackmon was the first to arrive at the scene and heard the teen yelling that she was getting exhausted from holding on to the tree branch for too long.
Unfortunately, the man’s presence was not enough for the aggressive alligator to be scared, and it even started closing the distance to the police officer.
However, the deputy quickly fired a single .223 round from his Bushmaster AR15 which killed the enormous beast.
After Blackmon shot the alligator, its body descended in the water and did not show up again.
Nevertheless, as a representative from the police claimed later, no assumptions were made until a county marine biologist guaranteed that the deputy’s shot truly ended the alligator’s life.
Following the scary incident, Sgt. Fred Jones issued a warning saying that during this time of the year, people should be wary of alligators as they were more aggressive due to their mating season.
The story quickly went viral and the jokes mostly covered gun control.