A female Marine officer fired because she was too abusive to women recruits has people talking. Lt. Col. Kate Germano was dismissed in June after an investigation discovered that as the commanding officer of the 4th Recruit Training Battalion at Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, South Carolina, she was hostile, and mistreated and bullied the women she was supposed to train. However, the Marine officer’s supporters claimed that she was effective at her post, and if a man was doing the same thing, he would have been promoted, not fired.
A female Marine officer fired for being too tough has brought back the debate about gender equality in the Marines to the forefront. On June 30, Lt. Col. Kate Germano, the former commanding officer of the 4th Recruit Training Battalion at Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, South Carolina, was fired from her post.
The news was very surprising to many because the Marine officer was excellent at getting results. Using her own unique method, Germano was able to improve range qualification rates for female recruits.
When Germano took command of Marine Corps Recruit Depot, the failure rate of female recruits at the rifle range was about three times higher than that of their male counterparts and none of her predecessors tried to change that. Lt. Col. Kate Germano said:
“The thinking was, girls can’t shoot, so why bother.”
Her rough and tough style led to some drastic changes, last month, 95 percent of women passed initial rifle qualification, equaling the rate for men. Germano made significant improvements in strength tests and retention, but was unable to keep the same high standard with the written tests, and they went down.
Not everyone was pleased with the actions she took to obtain these impressive results, which led to several complaints and eventually an investigation via the Freedom of Information Act. One female recruit told Brig. Gen. Terry Williams, commander of Parris Island, that Germano displayed “toxic leadership” and bullied them whenever they failed a test.
Another person claimed that during a sexual assault prevention brief, she more or less told her recruits that female Marines, who report sexual assaults, are weak and will not get promoted. Another female recruit testified saying that the marine officer had no respect for the trainees and took pride in embarrassing them.
Kate Germano is fighting back in the following statement:
“Despite considerable active and passive resistance throughout all echelons of the Recruit Depot and the Marine Corps, we each worked incredibly hard to improve the performance of our recruits to make them stronger, faster, smarter, and better shots — all to better the institution. We achieved unprecedented and historic results in just a short period of time, and regardless of the controversy h3cause by our goal to improve the caliber of our graduates, I ask that you remain steadfast and committed to this objective.”
A majority pf people agree with Germano, saying that in order to survive in a war, strong men and women are needed – if a woman can not handle the training, she is not made for the military.
She is an inspiring influence not only for the Marine Corp. but for the young girls and or Women who desire to join the Marines she has my respect, she is one of a kind.
This fine female Marine officer was doing was she was asked to do – get results and make sure her recruits passed all exams – which she did and at an amazing rate.
She shouldn’t have been fired, for screaming and yelling at future Marines and making them do push up or shot a riffle properly.
These ladies need to be ready for combat, take down the enemy and of course protect other Marines and soldiers in combat.
If the kitchen is too hot, stay the hell out of it and get a 9 to 5.
By reading what the officer said, she was fired because her leader wanted to sleep with her and she said no.
And now he is angry and opened an investigation to get her booted.
She looks hot and fit, I’d hit that.
Are Marines ladies more into lingerie or Fruit of a looms?
you know, when I was at Parris Island in 1983, you didn’t make it though boot camp if you couldn’t pass the rifle range minimum qualifying score. what’s happened to my Marine Corps? So sad!!!
O.K. so a superior wanted a little bed action. After the required “No, No, And the final ‘No’ she should have stated if he/she persisted that he/she would regret any further enemy advancement. The order is, “Stand down!” – “That is an order”. She should have taken MATERS IN HER OWN HANDS, and squeezed until he yelled Uncle! and made a hasty retreat leaving behind the evidence of running bare ass to the ORDERLY ROOM. At which office she should have written – “I quit” and walked away. Let the Courts Marshal bring her up on charges. Her time would be over anyways, she could just as well had one last PULL.
It’s the marines, dammit, the tip of the spear not the girl scouts(no offense.)
Talk about a “war on women”. Her commanding officers have done a real disservice to those women who will no longer get the benefit of this woman’s demands and leadership. For some of these women, in combat situations, it will likely cost them their lives.
I am a Marine veteran. When I reported in to Cherry Point in 1955 I had no knowledge of pistols or rifles, as we weren’t allowed to handle them. How things have changed. I applaud my sister Marines for taking on the challenge of the male Marines. I want to know that every person in my platoon has passed (or surpassed) the maximum requirements for that MOS (and every Marine IS a rifleman). LtCol Germano has my respect and admiration for what she has accomplished for the USMC.
She was fired because her women marines were complaining. A male officer would do the same thing to male marines, and the men would take it without complaint. It is the marines.
LtCol Germano has my respect and admiration as well for what she has accomplished for the USMC women that may one day lead a fight into the enemies front door, will payoff. This country is getting weaker with all of it’s “PR” Sanitizing BS these days. How is she going to make any sort of change with out kicking some rear ends! If she was a male, would this even be addressed? Lets take a look at General James N. Mattis!!! Let this Lt. Col continue on her journey leading Marines. Let her prepare our USMC sisters for war without being questioned!
These people need to understand that they are being trained for combat. In a firefight, if you don’t “pass the test” you may get killed, not yelled at.If your shot misses the enemy Islamic ___hole, you may get an AK-47 bullet between your eyes.