An arrangement between the FBI and Christopher Steele had ended just days before Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton to become the 45th U.S. president.
Both the Washington Post and CNN have confirmed that Steele almost got paid a hefty amount to compile what has been given the unofficial title of the “Trump dirty dossier.”
The amount has not been disclosed.
The retired British spy was digging to find out what secrets Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, had discovered on Trump and could have used to blackmail him once elected president of the United States.
According to several reports, Mr. Steele found out that Trump had spent time with many workers of the night in a hotel in Moscow.
Steele also claimed that he found proof that Putin had been in contact with Trump and his team years before the presidential election.
Additionally, Steele revealed that he found evidence to support the theory that Putin was feeding the Trump campaign embarrassing information on the former Secretary of State Clinton.
Steele believes that Russians are behind the hacking of the DNC and many of Clinton’s staffers.
Trump and members of his administration have claimed that the allegations are fake.
The question on everybody’s mind is, why did FBI Director James Comey announce that he would be investigating Clinton just nine days before Americans elected a new leader and failed to share that his agency was also looking into Trump’s connection to Russia?
Many are wondering, why did the FBI willing to pay Steel for such a lengthy period to go through Trump’s private life and dealings yet never took the information he was gathering as legitimate?
The news organizations claimed that Steele is the one who dropped the research he was doing on Trump for several reasons.
He feared for his life after Buzzfeed revealed his identity to the world.
He also became frustrated that the FBI was willing to go on a wild witch hunt after Clinton over her private server but never looked at the salacious information he had gathered on Trump.
It has been confirmed that Steele helped the FBI blow open the FIFA corruption scandal that rocked the soccer world.
After national security adviser Michael Flynn was forced to resign for talking to top Russian officials before the billionaire took the oath office, Democrats and Republicans have demanded an investigation into Trump’s alleged ties to Russia.