Father teacher baseball bat story has people thinking. A Maryland father struck a teacher with a baseball bat after discovering that the 42-year-old man was sending dozens of inappropriate text messages to his 15-year-old daughter.
A father in Maryland is being called a hero and father of the year by other parents after it was reported that during an altercation with a teacher from Perry Hall High School located in Baltimore County he hit the educator with a bat.
According to authorities, on Thursday morning at around 3 a.m. the mother of a 15-year-old student discovered several dozens text messages between her child and an unnamed teacher from Perry Hall High School which she deemed inappropriate.
The mom immediately contacted Baltimore County police who agreed that while the messages revealed that there was “an emotional relationship that seemed inappropriate for a teacher and student,” they were not sexual and therefore the individual could not be charged with a crime.
However the case was turned over to the Crimes Against Children Unit for further investigation.
For some unknown reason, later that same day at around 9:45 a.m., the male educator showed up to the student’s home in the 4600 block of Vicky Road in hopes of explaining his behavior.
The educator was told by the father to leave and when he refused, he was beaten with a bat.
Talking to the media an officer of the White Marsh Precinct who was called to the home for disturbance said:
“The officer found that the teacher sustained minor injuries and advised him of the process for swearing out a complaint of second-degree assault (a misdemeanor).The teacher said he did not wish to pursue charges.”
The father has the option of filing trespassing charges against the teacher in order to prevent him from ever returning to the home.
As for the teacher he can file assault charges against the dad, but thus far no charges have been filed by either men who disagreed on what really happened during the incident.
The story has gone viral and many are applauding the father’s action to protect his daughter from a potential predator.
But few are wondering why did the girl agree to share so many messages with her teacher in the first place?
Wait so pedophiles have rights too?
What kind of idiot texts a 15 year old who is not a relative, innocently or not. Obviously the 42 year old is the person in position of trust, the guy is lucky that he wasn’t beaten more severely.
this man has no rights he got caught before he violated her so he didn’t do anything he would have had he not been caught