A family of 6 was found dead in Chicago, Illinois. According to police, the bodies of two men, two women, and two boys belonging to the same family were found in their home, and it is believed that they were targeted.
After a family of 6 is found dead, authorities turn to the public asking for help. On Thursday, during a well-being check at a home located in Chicago‘s Gage Park neighborhood, police discovered a horrific scene – the bodies of 6 people belonging to the same family.
A police spokesperson said the victims are Noe Martinez Sr., 62, 58-year-old Rosaura Martinez, Noe Martinez Jr., 38, Maria Herminia Martinez, 32, Leonardo Cruz, 13, and Alexis Cruz, 10.
According to the police, the murders were not random, and it was not a home invasion gone wrong, the Martinez family was targeted by someone or a group of people. The Cook County medical examiner’s office has officially ruled the deaths of all six family members as homicides. The medical examiner said in a brief statement:
“Autopsies done Friday found the older female and middle-aged male were stabbed and beaten, the older male and two young boys were stabbed, and the middle-aged female was shot multiple times.”
According to sources, the family moved into their home around nine years ago, and a co-worker called the police after the couple’s son failed to come to work for two days. Officers arrived at the home around 1 p.m. and looked through a window, and they saw what appeared to be a body on the floor of the house. A statement from Chief of Detectives Eugene Roy read:
“The victims suffered blunt trauma, which leads us to treat this case as a homicide.I think it’s also important to note that there was no signs of forced entry to the residence despite rumors and reports yesterday the victims were not bound and there appears to be no ransacking in the house.”
Noe Martinez Jr. had worked for United Service Companies as a window washer since 2012. In a statement, the company said:
“It deeply saddened by the news, Noe was a hard worker a good employee and well-liked by his co-workers.”
Fani Maldonado, Noe’s co-worker, added:
“He’s the best co-worker we have at work, and he’s a nice person. He never has problem with nobody.”
A woman, who has been renting from Noe Sr., said the head of the family was unemployed for months and was on the verge of losing his house to the bank. The woman claimed:
“He would be embarrassed when he came on the first to pick up his rent and I would be like, ‘No, it’s fine,’ and he’s like, ‘No, it’s just like I need to make the payments.'”
Relatives from Texas have flown to Illinois and are working with investigators. Juan Martinez, a nephew, stated:
“The first thing they told me to do was go and talk to them and figure out what was going on.”
Family members said they plan to send the remains back to Mexico and have set up a GoFundMe page, hoping to raise money to help cover the cost.
Very sad, very tragic, hopefully the mystery will be solved, but either way, what a senseless loss of lives and family, our thoughts and prayers are with the extended families. gmcjr
This is a horrible situation n lost of six lives. I pray for the 6 victims that their at peace n with God. I send my sympathies to all their family members n friends.
That is bad. What brand of Drone-Strike Missile was used? That is the only kind of Targeted Killing going on anymore, who physically bludgeons someone this day and age, the guys hands would be smeared all over the place. Like actual pieces of his knuckles and stuff, maybe they should put a rush on the DNA on this one, just because A LOT of people died. Immigrants cannot own weapons legally. Chicago has more Gun-Deaths a week than Baghdad in the middle of a War, so big deal, six more people dead, I bet they wish they stayed in…Wait, they ARE DEAD. So they can’t wish for anything. I wish I would get a new Red Ryder Gun. Maybe a gun would have helped this family, I bet a billion dollars the person who did this KNEW they did not have one. They came for money, and tortured them all, amazing, all that effort and death, and they got nothing. What a surprise. Torture will only get you bad information, a State that will kill you with no remorse is a very poor example to set. So is stealing, and kidnapping people, and stealing their children. Chicago is RIPE for an Air-Drop of Weapons and Ammunition from either Putin, or the NRA, whichever can get their Guns to market first. Buy American.