Family Feud gerbil answer is one for the books. Meet Darci Circuit, a contestant who appeared on Family Feud and revealed that a gerbil is something that a doctor can pull out of a human. Maybe the Family Feud contestant is a fan of Richard Gere.
Family Feud gerbil moment has gone viral. On Wednesday, the Brown and Circuit families battled it out on Family Feud. The host of the game show, Steve Harvey, called contestants Darci Circuit and Manny Brown and asked them: What does a doctor pull out of a person?
Darci hit the buzzer immediately and then shouted out “a gerbil.” The Family Feud contestant was really talking about a gerbil, which is a small mammal known as “desert rat” that measures between six and twelve inches and is often adopted as pets.
Darci’s answer surprised everyone, even herself, because she started laughing and saying:
“I didn’t say that.”
Her opponent could not stop laughing, same thing for the host. Harvey jokingly said:
“First thing, BAM! Gerbil!. Just like that!”
Darci tried to defend herself by saying that she heard the story of someone having a gerbil removed from their body somewhere. As crazy as this may sound, the Family Feud contestant is correct; few years ago a rumor started spreading that Richard Gere was rushed to a hospital in Los Angeles where doctors pulled out a gerbil from his body.
It is claimed that the actor’s pet gerbil named Tibet mysteriously ended in his butt. According to About.com, the urban legend about Gere and the gerbil goes something like this:
“Richard Gere was admitted into the emergency room of a Los Angeles hospital with a foreign object lodged in his rectum. Some say Gere was alone when he arrived, others say he was accompanied by a friend (former love interest Cindy Crawford tops the list). In any case, an x-ray was taken and it was determined that the foreign object was a gerbil (either alive or dead at that point, depending on who tells the story). Mr. Gere was rushed to surgery, where it literally took a team of doctors to extract the unfortunate animal. Some say the gerbil was found to have been shaven and declawed; others claim it had been encased in a special plastic pouch. I’ve even heard it said that the gerbil was Gere’s own beloved pet (appropriately named “Tibet” in this variant). In any event, when the gerbilectomy was done the medical team was sworn to secrecy (unsuccessfully, we must conclude), and Gere went on his merry way, suffering no permanent harm other than to his reputation.”
Many say that after the huge success of Pretty Woman, an anonymous hoaxer forged a fax about the Gere’s gerbil story and sent it out to various media outlets – thus starting the wild rumor, which has never been confirmed or denied by the actor.
The Family Feud gerbil video has also brought back to the forefront of the internet, rumors of a Philadelphia TV news anchorman and a linebacker for the Cleveland Browns, having gerbils in their derrieres.