Cop captures ghost on camera, claims it’s all real and the clip goes viral. The Espanola police station ghost video is very interesting and entertaining to say the least. A police officer from the Espanola police station in New Mexico claimed that he spotted a ghost on surveillance video. According to Officer Karl Romero, he is certain that it was a ghost because it had legs.
On Saturday, Officer Karl Romero who was working the afternoon shift at the police station in Espanola, New Mexico said he noticed that there was an intruder – not a thief, not a human, but a ghost.
Mr Karl Romero spoke to KOAT TV where he explained that as he was watching the surveillance video, he saw that something had entered the sally port or secured entryway, which has no way in or out without an open gate.
He was baffled and confused by the fact that the alarms in the police station did not go off. After closely analyzing the tape, he realized it was a ghost that entered the station.
Romero said it had to be a ghost because the figure had legs and arms like a human, except it was white, almost transparent and floating around in slow motion.
The so-called ghost stayed briefly in the secured area and walked through a steel gate. Another element to prove his theory is the fact that Romero and other Espanola residents have been hearing lots of strange noises at night.
Some officers have reported feeling or sensing the presence of spirit-like creatures breathing down their necks when they are on duty.
Furthermore, some people say there are many unresolved murder cases in the area and the spirits may be haunting the Espanola police station hoping the cops will find their killers. Additionally, Romero believes in ghost.
The Espanola cop revealed that the police station, which was built in 2006 was not build on an Indian burial ground and added:
“I do believe in ghosts.I don’t know (what exactly was on the video), but we’ve had some unsolved murders in the area.”
While some say that the strange figure was a ghost, others claimed that officers from the Espanola police station need to clean the moisture moving across the lens of the camera or the spider crawling around and they will stop imagining they saw a spirit.
The story of the ghost from the Espanola police station has New Mexico residents blasting the officers for being unprofessional and looking like hoaxers pulling an early Halloween prank.
What say you? Was it a ghost or a spider?
It would be really interesting, from a technician’s point of view, to observe and run some tests on the camera system.
I believe in ghosts but, from a technicians point of view, looks to me like the picture is lying, however it would take some technical investigation to verify that it is real.
It is really exciting however!!