An elderly couple from California flips their car, takes cute selfies on the scene of their accident and the pictures go viral. On Friday Benjamin Neufeld and his wife Elizabeth Neufeld’s car tipped over which left the octogenarian woman trapped in the vehicle.
The pair did not panic while waiting for the police and ambulance to arrive, instead they posed for adorable photos that will stand out in their family album.
They probably have seen and done it all at their age which would explain why this elderly couple from California posed for an expected selfie after their blue Honda flipped over because of a turn they took too quickly.
Last week Friday, Benjamin Neufeld and his wife Elizabeth Neufeld who are 85 years old and 87 years old respectively were pulling out of their driveway in Bel-Air, California when something went horribly wrong.
By taking the turn a little too rapidly the Honda the elderly couple was driving rolled over before crashing.
While Ben was able to climb out of the vehicle and call the paramedics, Elizabeth was trapped on the driver’s side.
Upon the realization that no one was injured, the duo decided to pose for some interesting selfies.
Grandma dug in her hand bag, found her phone and gave it to grandpa and asked him to take few photos of her behind the glass window.
The senior citizen also asked an witness of the scene to snap few photographs of him next to the flipped car looking at his wife like she was in a giant fish bowl.
The story of the elderly couple who posed for pictures after their car rolled over and was wrecked was covered by the hosts of Good Morning America where they were applauded for staying calm and mocked them for their old people fashion sense.
I love it when older folks still have their sense of humors lol
What a great sense of humor they have. Good for them both.