Drought in California lead to removal of lawns. Many California residents have taken the decision to tear out their lawns due to the unprecedented drought hitting the state. By eliminating their green lawns, they are helping California and saving hundreds of dollars every year. Some people may have taken action because they fear California’s new water cops.
A program called “Cash in Your Lawn” is motivating California residents to dump their all American perfect green lawns and help out with the historic drought.
The governmental program, which began in The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California offers $3 for every square foot of lawn that is removed and is replaced with drought-friendly landscape.
Thousands of homeowners from Los Angeles, Long Beach, Orange County and Santa Clara Valley have opted to cover their yards with an Asian garden, which consists of pebbles, rocks or even faux grass.
Homeowners are now selecting plants and flowers that can survive dry spells such as lush evergreens and California lilacs.
Californians are flocking to the cash for grass program for several reasons.
“Cash in Your Lawn” offers up to $6000 for making the conversion. Additionally, residents save a bundle annually on their water bills, landscaping and fertilizer and other lawn care products.
By cutting down their water usage, they are helping the Golden State, which has been suffering from a three-year drought, which is affecting the water supply of 38 million Californians.
Another reason for inhabitants to ditch their watering consuming turfs, are what is locally known as the water police.
Officers from the Water Conservation Response Unit in Los Angeles, often receive calls about people wasting water via their lawn sprinklers and washing their cars. Those who get busted are fined $500.
Many are asking Governor Jerry Brown to go even further by making it illegal for hotels and golf courses to water their lawns.
But few are unhappy with the program. Some say, the rebate is not enough to handle the cost of remodeling an entire landscape and add that a grass lawn is as American as apple pie and is needed for children to play.
Those who can not live without their lawns have hired professionals to spray their dry grass with bright green pigment-based natural paint.
If these elitest types did their share of water rationing as seen by the rest of the residents, the water shortage would not be so acute.
How do they expect to shower if the aquafier dries up altogether? This $500 id far too low to wake them up, bump it up and allow remote fliers (I’m not calling them drones, someone is in control of them, they are just RC’s with a camera.) to patrol for infingers.