The warning “Don’t Eat Daffodils” will be splashed on labels in supermarkets all over England soon. After receiving numerous calls about people accidentally eating poisonous daffodils, thinking they were vegetables, authorities have decided to send out letters advising grocery stores managers to take measures.
This spring, shoppers in England will be seeing “Don’t Eat Daffodils” warnings in their local grocery stores. In a statement issued by Public Health England, officials explained numerous Britons have fallen sick after accidentally eating daffodils. The shoppers purchased the daffodil bulbs believing that they are onions or the stems for a popular Chinese vegetable. While many people are not aware of it, daffodils are poisonous.
According to the officials at Public Health England, in 2012 a handful of people were hospitalized after eating daffodil bulbs. The agency has revealed that it has received a total of 63 inquiries about daffodil poisoning since 2011. In a letter titled “Steps to avoid daffodil poisonings this spring” sent out to supermarkets, authorities are asking managers and employees to keep flowers far from fruits and vegetables.
The health experts are also advising grocery stores to add a warning label on plants and flowers to make sure that their clients do not end up in the emergency room. Professor Paul Cosford, the director for health protection at Public Health England explained in his letter:
“Daffodils are dangerous if eaten and poisoning can occur as a result. We are aware of an incident in Bristol a few years ago in which some shoppers, for whom English was not their first language, bought daffodils and cooked the plants believing them to be something else.”
Cosford went on to add:
“We are asking stores to ensure daffodils, both the bulbs from which they sprout and the cut variety too, are displayed well away from the produce or fruit and vegetable area. Such a move will, we hope, produce a separation in shoppers’ minds that will help to stop them thinking daffodils are edible.”
Daffodil, which is a popular spring flower, grows from a bulb and blooms beautiful white or yellow flowers. But eating it can cause vomiting and diarrhea that last between 4 to 24 hours. The British Columbia Drug and Poison Information Centre explains why people should not eat the pretty flowers:
“All parts of the plant contain the alkaloid lycorine but the highest concentration is in the bulb. If ingested, may cause irritation to the gastrointestinal tract with symptoms of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Symptoms usually subside within 4 hours but may last up to 24 hours. The bulb also contains calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause irritation to the mouth and throat.
If you have accidentally consumed a daffodil, rinse out your mouth and drink a glass of water or milk. The term “Don’t Eat Daffodils” has gone viral.
Please laugh, but this actually happened to me. Was staying at my sister’s house one weekend, awoke earlier than her and cooked myself an omelete – I chopped up the bunch of unbloomed flowers that were in the fridge thinking they were onions. She let me know they were not later in the day. I was sick for 2 days.
I know a lot of people from England. My mother is from England. I can not beleive for a moment that the people in England are so dumb or so hard up for food that there needs to be government regulaton to prevent the human consumption of daffodils. I wish they would have found out from the people who ate these things why they assumed they were vegetables other than just stating that they did. Were they packaged and placed beside other vegetables or what? This response is simply stupid.