Donald Trump‘s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway has one of the most difficult jobs in politics today; she has to keep a rebellious candidate on message two weeks before Election Day. The controversial billionaire used his instincts to win the GOP primary, and he wants to continue using them to get across the finish line.
CNN’s Dana Bash did a profile of the first woman to manage a Republican presidential campaign, and some interesting things came up. Conway explained that she is very busy and she always had to fight hard to make her mark in this business.
Conway also shared an interaction that she had with the candidate a few days ago that was revealing on so many levels. After Trump had opted to focus on personal grievances during a major speech, the following exchange occurred with his campaign manager:
“I don’t sugarcoat at all,” said Conway. She told him after his off script rant, “You and I are in a fight for the next 17 days.” When Trump asked why, Conway replied: “Because I know you’re going to win. And that comment you just made sounds like you think you’re going to lose. And we’re going to argue about it until you win.”
His response? “He was like, ‘OK, honey. Then we’ll win,’ ” Conway said.
Mr. Trump, who is currently behind in the polls and has been struggling with women, was criticized by some for calling Conway “honey.” Online commenters went as far as labeling the remark as sexist.