Don Harron died at the age of 90 in his home in Canada. Don Harron, who was famous for bringing the character Charlie Farquharson to Canada and the United States, passed away with his family by he side after he took the decision not seek medical treatment for his cancer.
Don Harron, the man of many funny hats, has died. Harron, who was a comedian, actor, director, and journalist, passed away on January 17, 2015 at the age of 90.
Don Harron also an author, playwright and composer, died with his loved ones by his side in his Toronto, Canada home. According to a brief statement issued by Martha Harron, who is Don Harron eldest daughter, he decided to go peacefully instead of going through months of therapy for his cancer.
Miss Harron said that her father was funny until his last breath. Haron said:
“He was still sharp. He was still capable of being funny even though his voice was barely above a whisper. It’s horribly sad, but it’s beautiful too.”
Don Harron, who was born on September 19, 1924, grew up working in the agricultural production industry and came up with a character named Charlie Farquharson.
Charlie Farquharson is country bumpkin, a foolish, poorly educated person from a rural region. During the Great Depression, Don Harron made few dollars going around at club banquets telling hilarious stories as Farquharson.
Harron became a star in his native Canada thanks to Farquharson and was invited to voice a character in the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission radio series Lonesome Trail.
He joined the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1943 and went on to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. A brilliant student, he won many medals for his writing skills and was offered a teaching job, which he declined to go focus on his true passion – acting.
After university, he took part in numerous plays in Canada and moved to England where he appeared in the West End production of A Streetcar Named Desire and wrote for the BBC.
From 1969–1971, Don Harron was part of the cast of the American country music television show, Hee Haw, where he played Charlie Farquharson. Here is Charlie Farquharson’s take on the deficit in 1976:
“Every guvmint estimit incloods an extry estimit of how much more it’s gonna cost than yer ferst estimit. That’s how come they always leeve this big deficit on the floor of yer House. And a deficit is what you’ve got wen you haven’t got as much as if you jist had nothin’. If we tried any of this, we’d end up in jail. But the guvmint gits rid of its detts by Nashnullizing them. That’s like the alkyholick who solved his problem by poring the booze in all of his bottles into one big container. Himself.”
During his lengthy career, Don Harron appeared on countless TV shows like The Outer Limits and The Man from U.N.C.L.E. and wrote numerous book including Charlie Farquharson’s History of Canada and Olde Charlie Farquharson’s Testament: From Jennysez to Jobe and After Words.
Don Harron is survived by his fourth wife Claudette Gareau, who appeared in movies with him, and three daughters Martha, Mary, and Kelley.
Marry Harron is the filmmaker behind I Shot Andy Warhol and American Psycho.