Dog pack in Wyoming kills a 40-year-old named Deanne Lynn Coando, leaving authorities scrambling for answers. While some believe that the member of the Eastern Shoshone Tribe was attacked and killed by a dog pack, others are skeptical saying that it could have been wild animals roaming around the 2.3 million-acre reservation in southwestern Wyoming.
A dog pack in Wyoming is suspected of killing a member of the Eastern Shoshone Tribe. On Thursday, officials with the Wind River Law Enforcement Center revealed that Deanne Lynn Coando was killed by animals.
According to police officers, on Wednesday, the 40-year-old mother of seven was discovered on a mountain in the Wind River Reservation and taken to a Riverton hospital where she died.
Mark Stratmoen, chief deputy Fremont County coroner, confirmed that she was killed after an animal attack and a combination of hypothermia.
Stratmoen revealed that the body had numerous wounds inflicted by one or more predators and she lost a lot of blood. Hairs collected near the remains were sent to a Wyoming lab for DNA analysis and the FBI has gotten involved in the case, and is currently waiting for the results.
Stratmoen, who believes that the woman was killed by a dog pack, alerted the 3,900 members of the Eastern Shoshone Tribe in a statement that read:
“This is to notify the public to use caution and be alert for any observations of predator wildlife, or any groups or individual feral domestic animals in the general area.”
But Kimberly Varilek, attorney general of the Eastern Shoshone Tribe, is not sure that dogs killed the lady. Varilek explained that no one witnessed the attack and added:
“It’s not really been an issue, we’ve not had a series of dog attacks or anything like that against people.There may be some skepticism because it’s so unheard of.”
The alleged Wyoming dog pack attack took place on a reservation shared by two different tribes, according to Examiner.
According to Sergio Maldonado, Sr., a member of the Northern Arapaho Tribe, the 2-million acre Wind River Indian Reservation, which also belongs to the Eastern Shoshone Tribe may have too many cats and dogs, but he doubts that they are capable of killing a human being. Maldonado revealed:
“I don’t mind sharing with you my observation that we have too many dogs on the reservation, probably cats, too. It’s not a problem safety wise for people and livestock.I haven’t heard of anything like that.”
The death caused by the dog pack in Wyoming has lead to an aggressive campaign of spaying and neutering.