Doctor poisoned by his lover with sweet coffee, appeared in a Texas court last week, where he was forced to reveal intimate details about their relationship. Dr. George Blumenschein explained that he had an 18-month affair with Dr. Ana Maria Gonzalez-Angulo, who poisoned him with ethylene glycol because he refused to dump his live-in girlfriend Evette Toney who had suffered a miscarriage.
On Friday, Doctor George Blumenschein appeared at the 248th District Court at the Harris County Criminal Justice Center in Houston, Texas where he faced Dr. Ana Maria Gonzalez-Angulo, the former lover who poisoned him in 2013.
Dr. George Blumenschein was forced to reveal some very private details about his 18-month affair with Dr. Ana Maria Gonzalez-Angulo, who is now 43, according to NewsOxy.
Doctor Blumenschein stated that in 2011 while working at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Dr. Gonzalez became obsessed with him.
Dr. Gonzalez often sat on his lap, flirted with him and kissed his neck on several occasions. During a business trip in the fall of 2011, in Stockholm, Sweden, the pair had oral sex.
Dr. Blumenschein explained he never had intercourse with Gonzalez because he did not want to cheat on his longtime live-in girlfriend Evette Toney.
The affair between the two doctors lasted 18 months. In January of 2013, after Dr. Gonzalez learned that Toney was pregnant for Dr. Blumenschein and has suffered a miscarriage, she understood that her lover would never leave his girlfriend.
Dr. Gonzalez decided to poison the oncologist. Dr. Ana Maria Gonzalez-Angulo invited Dr. George Blumenschein for coffee, which was laced with ethylene glycol.
After consuming the coffee, Blumenschein fell very ill, could not stand up, had blurred vision and was rushed to the hospital where a kidney specialist rapidly confirmed that he was poisoned after he saw a hazy quality in Blumenschein’s urine.
Mr Blumenschein was diagnosed with central nervous system damage, cardiopulmonary complications and renal failure and underwent dialysis.
Gonzalez-Angulo who is facing 5 to 99 years in prison if convicted has apparently confessed to poisoning her lover, but her attorneys claimed that there is no concrete proof that ethylene glycol was mixed in the coffee.
The trial will resume on Monday.