Deen Castronovo apologizes to everyone for being an abuser and a batterer. In a very raw interview, the ex-Journey drummer, who was arrested for raping and abusing his ex-fiancée, said he is sober and is seeking professional help to resolve his issues.
Deen Castronovo is taking responsibility for his past actions in a new interview. In mid-June, the former Bad English, Journey, and Wild Dogs drummer was arrested in Salem, Oregon for assault.
The musician and singer was booked for assault, coercion, and menacing after police discovered that he physically and verbally abused his then-fiancée, Deidra. Castronovo was later charged with rape. Weeks after the arrest, Journey dumped Castronovo because they knew he could not recover while touring and because he had tarnished their image. Last month, the rocker was back in court where he signed a plea deal and was sentenced to four years of supervised probation.
Talking to Statesman Journal and Billboard, without his lawyer, he confessed that there are no excuses for what he did to the woman he loved, (at the age of 19, Castronovo fell in love with Deidra when she was 14, and he waited until she was 18 to date her, they split after he found Jesus Christ and they reunited in 2008), his family and his band mates. The musician stated:
“I want to make it perfectly clear: My name cannot be cleared. What I have done to the band and my fiancee, there is no excuse for it. It is really inexcusable. The only way that my reputation will be brought back is to live this — walk it and work on my recovery like it’s a full-time job.”
He added:
“It’s my truth, I have nothing to hide, I was a verbally abusive man. I was a physically abusive man.”
He took some time out to say sorry to his friend and guitarist, Neal Schon, who discovered him and asked him to be part of Bad English and to Deidra for putting her through hell in the past six years. He revealed:
“It was a beautiful relationship that was real good, but my drinking got worse and worse. And then drinking and using spiraled into what happened now.”
Castronovo went on to explain that he has been an addict for the past 22 years and stated that the night of his arrest he had taken 24 methamphetamine pills. He had an addiction to prescription pills after a back surgery in 2012 and hip replacement in 2013.
He claimed what happened in June opened his eyes, and as soon he was released from jail, he went right to the Betty Ford Center where he completed a 75-day inpatient treatment program. Since the arrest, Castronovo has turned his life to Jesus Christ again and is being guided by JD Henderson, senior pastor of the Life Christian Center in Portland.
He concluded by saying that he is happy to take control of his life and is hoping to be with Deidra someday – by law he is not permitted to have any contact with her for the next four years. Deen Castronovo said that he is very grateful for the love and support he gets from his sons and his fans. He shared:
“You can do this. One day at a time. Stay focused.’ And to see your boys look you in the eyes and I’m there and present, and they say, ‘Dad, I am so proud of you’ — are you kidding? That’s all the adrenaline shot that I need to keep on moving forward because I finally get it.”
I have always been a fan of Deens, his incredible drumming and singing voice have always been one of my favorites. His actions of physical and verbal abuse and his drug and alcohol his far more serious than I ever dreamed. He said there is no excuse for what he did, and he is absolutely right. There is no excuse for any human being to act like he did and do what he did hurt a lot of people. I do look up to him and any addict who takes sole responcibilty for their actions and seek help. My Advice is Deen get the help, turn your life to Christ he lead you and help you through this. Your a very talented man, who threw it all away, I really mean that.Take care of you and your family first, you are right when you said you reached the bottom because you have. I will pray for you and your family to get through this but most off you Deen, you need to take responcibilty for your actions. I have never been an addict nor do I ever want to be one, it causes so much turmoil in someones life and the life of the people around them. If Deidra does forgive you, and I think in time she will, you owe your life to her and you need to love her, support her, and be the man who she fell in love with. That man is still there inside you ,you have to find him. Good luck Bro and God bless I hope your are true to your wanting to turn your life around and Hopefully someday Journey will forgive you as well and you can keep making beautiful music.
those are great an encouraging words. all the stuff about gods and jesus though, religious superstition isn’t going to help. even if it did how could it help anymore than allah, or ahura mazda or any of the countless gods. some reason and logic and medical treatment could do this man some good. if he chooses to go off on a religious journey thats fine, but its fraught with falsehoods though